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2 months later

Kailani's POV

"I need to go Kairi" I smiled "please come on skip class" he smiled putting his hands on my waist

"I already did many times do you know how much late work I have?" I said looking in his eyes.

"Please" he said with puppy eyes "I'll see you at the cafe after class" I smiled

"That's in a hour" he threw his head back running his hand through his hair

"And it will be my last class before thanksgiving break" I smiled "fine but stay away from Mattia" he said serious

"Aww you jealous" I smiled "soon when I make you my girlfriend you'll understand" he said

"Says who?" I smiled moving closer to him "I do now go" he smiled and let go of me "see you in a hour"I smiled as we walked our own separate ways.

Mattia's POV

I saw her walk into class for the first time in a week or more.

She's staying with Avani while Sophia stayed with Katie.

I haven't seen nor talked to her after that day, Sophia and I stayed together for a couple more weeks but we ended things.

The boys stopped talking to me as much, especially kairi but I really don't give a fuck.

Kailani has been the only thing running through my head these past months, I've seen how happy she is with everyone especially Kairi.

"Okay so when we come back you will be having a parter to help you with your project" The teacher said passing out some papers

"These are just some ideas you can choose or you can come up with your own one" he said

"Don't get too excited because I already partnered you guys with someone" he said and the whole class went dead silent

He started to go down his list and neither my name or Kailani's were being called out

"And lastly Mattia and Kailani" he smiled at me and I looked over that her to see her roll her eyes and stand up.

Kailani's POV

I haven't talked to him and I don't want to yet this fucking teacher decided to put us as partners, class was over once he said our names so I stood up to leave.

I heard him call my name but ignored him even though I won't be able too at one point

"Hey shorty" Kairi smiled "I said meet me at the cafe not outside my class" I smiled back

"But what if I wanted to wait for you here so we could both go together ?" He chuckled

"It really wouldn't have mattered though" I said "what's wrong?" He asked

"I'm partners with Mattia for a stupid project" I rolled my eyes in frustration

"Bruh" he said as we got in my car

"I know, I don't want to be near him either but at the same time you guys need to give him another chance, you guys were his friends before I came along and you guys are mad at him for no reason" I drove us to the cafe

"Your right, I'll think about it" he said as we got out the car

"Hey girls" I ran over to Katie and Sophia "heyyy" he said back while hugging me "are you going to the party later?" They asked "yea but I probably won't stay there for long I'm heading home early in the morning" I smiled

"I'm leaving with Avani on Monday" Sophia said "I'm going with them" Katie smiled "no way really?" I said excited

"Yea why you excited?" He smiled "that because every thanksgiving our families gather up and have a little something then we head out, and by we I mean is the girls only" Sophia smiled

"Hey guys" Alejandro walked in with Kairi "hello" we all said

~~Getting ready for the party~~

"I'll be right back there's a couple things that are still in the dorm" I smiled looking at Sophia

"I can always go if you don't want to see him" avani said "no I think it's time we all start to talk with him again" I said walking out the room

I'm kinda nervous to be honest, I haven't been there in a while

"Hey" I opened the door to see him laying down on his phone

I looked around and my side of the room hasn't been touch since I left everything is still the way I left it

"What brings you here" he sat up "I came to get a few things I left" I smiled

There was an awkward silence between us, "if you want I can leave" he said standing "no it's fine" I quickly said and he looked surprised at what I said

I grabbed what I needed, basically everything I had left.

I left the room without saying anything

"So?" Avani said as soon as I walked in "it was awkward" I put my things on the bed

I didn't feel like wearing a dress so I just wore this

"don't give me that look because I'm not changing into a dress" I said as Avani walked out the bathroom

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"don't give me that look because I'm not changing into a dress" I said as Avani walked out the bathroom

"Ready?" I said finishing putting some mascara on "yea" she smiled and we headed over to the location.


Feel free to bug me so I can update because either I'm going to forget or I'll be very busy, and I want you guys to enjoy the book😂

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