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"It's not going to be that easy." he whispered by my ear.

Kailani's POV

"Mariano let go" I somehow managed to say, "I don't want to" he said kissing my neck

"Stop you fuck, or-"

"Or what? Mattia's going to come and beat my ass? Please he can't do shit" he rolled his eyes

"Mariano you're... hurting me" I said as my breathing started to close up and my eyes got watery.

I tried kneeing him put he stopped my knee before it touched him "nice try" he smiled looking in my eyes

He pulled me into the bed pinning me down, "the less you move the better this will be" he said pinning both my arms down with one of his hand

"Mariano stop" I said moving around as he slipped his hand in my pants "stop moving fuck" he slapped me

I wasn't comfortable.

He grabbed a bandana then let go of me hand to tie it around me, I tried to get him off me and run out the room but he slapped me across the face again

It stung so bad, out of all the times I've been slapped across the face, none had ever hurt so much.

"Don't cry baby" he said "fuck off" I mumbled trying to get the bandana off my mouth.

~~~•••~~~ couple minutes later ~~~•••~~~

I never felt this empty before, I feel disgusting.

"You won't talk about this or else it's going to be worse" he said holding my face up to face him "understood?" He tilted his head

And I stayed quiet, fighting my tears. "Do you fucking understand?!" He yelled making me flinch "y-yes" I said looking down and a tear rolled down me face

"Baby don't cry" he said whipping it off.

I don't know what to do. I want to cry my fucking heart out, yet yell in his face and beat him up.

I want Mattia. He makes everything better. He cares.

"I-I need t-to go" I stuttered getting up "see you around" he said before I left.

I got back to our dorm and changed into black leggings and an oversized gray Nike jacket over my white shirt then fell on my bed, then broke down, I curled up and cried trying to not be loud.

I feel disgusting, used, empty, so many things going through my head, his words and actions replaying over and over again making my head hurt.

At this point my pillow was all wet and my heart was aching.

Mattia's POV

It's 6:45 and all my classes are over, I didn't see Kailani in any that we have together.

Maybe she fixed up all her things and fell asleep.

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