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Kailani's POV

My head was pounding and the tears wouldn't stop.

I tried wiping them off but once I looked up at the road I saw a bright light, then everything went dark.

Mattia's POV

"So what did you tell her?" Ale asked "that it's for the best if we move on" I looked down

"Do you know how much I regret saying that, I'm not ready to let go of her, she's different, I love her ale" I said then Kairi's phone started ringing

"Hey ma, I'm with Mattia..the hospital? Why is everything alright?" He said, then it seemed as if he saw a ghost.

"I'm on my way" he said grabbing his keys "what's wrong!" Ale said as we followed him outside

"Kailani had a car accident" he said looking worried as hell then we got in his car and headed to the hospital

"How is she?" He asked running to her mom "th-they might not be able to keep her alive" she said willing her years and I felt my heart drop.

"W-what?" I said as my eyes filled with tears.

Then a bunch of nurses started running to a room "my baby" her mom said running to the room

"Mattia breath please, come on..inhale...exhale" Alejandro said trying to help me

"What if she dies?" I said sitting down "that's not going to happen" he said rubbing my back

Kairi walked back to us and put his and in his face please tell me she's alive" I looked up at him

"She's in coma" he scratched his neck

Kailani's POV

I woke up in dark room, I didn't want to move at all.

The last thing I remember was when I walked out of Mattia's house hoping he would come after me.

"Kailani?" I heard a familiar voice "Omar?" I turned to see my brother

"I fucking died?!" I started to panic "no you didn't calm down" he said hugging me "wait it actually you?" I looked up basically slapping his face

"Yes...ima spirit basically" he chuckled

"I'm sorry" I started to cry "if I never said anything nothing would've happened to you" I continued

"It's okay Lani, that's not important right now" he said

"Who's he?" He said and we had view of the room "that Mattia" I smiled watching him walk into the room but my smile soon faded

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