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I did not proofread this

Kairi's POV

"Yo where you going? And why are you running?" Joey said as I ran to my car

"The hospital" I breathed, "why? Who's there?" He said know a little worried

"Lani" I said "shit let's go" he said then we got in our own cars and drove to the hospital.

"Hello, how many I help you two?" an old lady smiled at us as we rushed to the front desk, "we here for Kailani Gonzalez" Joey spoke "she doesn't show up in a room or anywhere in the hospital, let me see if I can find out where she's at"

"What do you mean she doesn't show up? I was called and told she was here!" I said worried as hell "kairi clam down" Joey said

"What time did they call you?" The woman asked "like ten minutes ago" I said

"She's in the emergency room right now" she said after a couple minutes of typing things in the computer "thank you" I said and walked to the waiting room.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Joey yelled walking up to some dude that had his hands covering his face

"Joey clam down!" He said after Joey tried punching him, "I swear to god if you caused whatever happen to her I'll-"

"You'll what? I didn't do shit so calm the fuck down" he stood up, making me feel a lot shorter than what I already am.

"What happened then?" Joey asked "um who is he?" I asked

"I'm Adrian"

"An old friend of ours, that by fact is part of a gang" he said looking at Adrian

"Okay now what the fuck happened?!" I said more worried.

"I don't know, we got to her house and I went in to use the restroom and left, but like fifteen minutes on my way back home I couldn't find my phone, I stopped and searched my car so I made my way to her house, and on my way there I was stopped by a lot of ambulances, firefighters and police, I tried going another way but then I saw her car all ruined, it didn't even look like a car bro" he said

I hope she makes it.

"I got out my car and ran over there to see her being carried into the ambulance, the police man pulled me back not letting me go so I followed the ambulance here" he said and I ran my hand through my hair

"This isn't good" I kept walking back and forth "kairi sit the fuck down your annoying me" Joey said and I stopped and looked at him "I don't give two fucking fucks, that girl cannot die" I said and he took a deep breath.

"So you did not see what happened?" I looked at Adrian "No I didn't, I arrived when everything had happened already" he said and I could tell he was saying the truth.

"Yo they wanna know why we aren't there" Joey said as his phone started to go off "lie to them, we need them over there so Mattia stays calm you know" I looked at him and he nodded

After many minutes of sitting down a lady came up to us.

"Kairi Consentino, I was told you were Kailani's stepbrother, may I have a talk with you?" She said

"Yea sure" I stood up and she led me to this hall, "Do you know anything about the accident?" She asked "no, I was called and told she was here" I said and she nodded

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