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Kailani's POV

We arrived at the beach then met up with kairi and Robert

"You guys are hella far" I said half way to where the rest were.

"Want me to carry you?" Mattia asked "no I'm fine" I smiled

"Sit on my shoulders" he said then I got on him

"Thank you" I said playing with this hair

"No problem" he said holding on to me from my thighs.

After a couple minutes we got to the place everyone was at "put me down please!" I smiled as he started to walk to the water

"Mattia please!" I said

"It's not that cold" he said "how the fuck do you know?" I said

"You got the chills, that means it's cold, Mattia please put me down I don't wanna go in yet" I said trying to move off him "you're going to fall" he said grabbing my thighs tighter

"Mattia!" I said before my body fell into the cold water "fuck you" I said once I swam back to the top

"It's not that cold see" he said splashing water on my face.

"Yea mhm" I rolled my eyes playfully

I swam back tot he shore, "fuck happened to you?" Kairi asked "shut the hell up" I smile pushing him out my way then took the shirt off and stayed in my bikini.

"Layla!" I smiled and she turned around smiling

"Lani" she said jumping in my arms "why are you wet?" She asked "because I was thrown into the water" I smiled putting her down

I laid out my towel and sat on it "where's your boyfriend?" She asked

"He...we broke up" I smiled a little "why?" She asked fixing my hair

"Because he was with another girl" Mattia sat down next to me

"That's not nice" she crossed her arms "I know right" Mattia and I both said

"Well maybe you can be with the dino now" she whispered in my ear

"Maybe, I don't know" I smiled looking at her "you don't know? Thats cap" she said then went to play with sand.

Since when does she say cap? I mean she's 4 years old, but that has nothing to do.

"Was she talking shit?" Mattia asked after she was far enough to not hear him "yea and a lot of shit" I smiled looking at the waves crash.

"About who?" He asked "you" I looked at him "damn that's pretty sad" he shook his head looking down

"Are you okay?" I asked "yea why?" He smiled looking at me "I mean you and Jenna" I said

"Yea, I'm fine and lowkey feel a lot better without her" he chuckled "good" I nodded looking around

"I'm moving back to-"

"Why you just got back?" He looked at me worried

"Mattia clam down, I'm moving back to our old dorm" I smiled "oh okay" he said looking down

"aww you're getting red" I said "shut up" he smiled turning the other way to I wouldn't see his face

A couple hours went by and everyone was having a fun time

"Come on" I said pulling onto Mattia's hand "I'm tired" he said not getting up

"Bitch I didn't want to get in the water and you threw me in, now get up" I said "fine" he said getting up

"Yay" I smiled and ran into the waves "you should be thankful" I said as we got past the waves

"Why?" He chuckled "because then you'd be bored as hell, like me" I smiled

"Okay" he smiled, "it's so pretty" i turned around looking at the sunset "it is" he smiled putting his arms around me

"Horny much" I laughed feeling him against my ass

"It's not my fault" he whispered by me ear "oh so it's mine?" I looked at him "no, when did I say it was" he said

Mattia's POV

"That basically meant it was my fault" she said turning over to face me.

She's so perfect, her eyes, lips, smile, everything about her is amazing.

"Admiring?" She smiled "there's nothing better to do" I said "I missed you" she hugged me "I missed you too" I hugged her back tighter

"When are you moving your things to our dorm?" I asked "tomorrow" she said pulling out the hug.

Damn I can't wait till tomorrow, "stay at my dorm tonight" I said giving her that look  "Mattia" she smiled looking away covering her face

"Please" I pulled her closer to me "fine, but we ain't doing nothing" she said making the smile I had turn into a frown

"I'll think about it" she smiled, then a smile appeared on my face.

If you guys haven't checked out Part Of The Mafia, make sure you check it out I'll probably post another chapter on there later today😌

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