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~~••~~ Getting Ready For The Party~~••~~

Kailani's POV

"This one or this one?" I asked holding up two dresses

"The blue one" Sophia pointed "alright" I said and walked into the bathroom.

I changed into this

"It's too tight" I said walking out and looking myself in the mirror

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"It's too tight" I said walking out and looking myself in the mirror

"It's it comfortable?" Sophia asked doing her hair "yea...it's just-"

"Bitch you have a nice body, let it stand out" she smiled

"I don't know how Marino will feel about it though" I looked at her

"Horny, that's for sure" she laughed "shut up" I rolled my eyes I did my make up and hair then went with avani "you hoes ready?" Sophia asked as we walked into the dorm

"You guys look cute" we all  said that the same time

"I'm ready" avani smiled "then let's go the guys are waiting for us" Elena said and we headed to my car

"I'm excited" Elena smiled "Sophia can I get really drunk today?" I asked "why you asking me?" She looked at me laughing

"Because last time you you didn't let me drink at all" I said starting to drive

"But that was because we all agreed that you were going to drive us back" she said "that's is true" avani added

"Shut up Vani" I looked at her through the mirror

Mattia's POV

"Where's Jenna?" The guys asked "she's coming with her friends" I said

"Well I'm just glad we can have you here for a while" Ale patted my arm

"What?" I said confused "bruh you haven't hung out with us in a fat minute" Alvaro said

"For real, you're always with JeNnA" kairi rolled his eyes

"And? I can't be with my girlfriend?" I crossed my arms

"Well yea but you just left us behind, bro's before that hoe" Robert said and the rest chuckled

"I can't believe you guys are still together" Derek said

"None of us can" kairi said

"Hey hoes!" I heard the girls yell

"Aye the birthday dumbass is here" kairi laughed

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