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A couple hours later

Kailani's POV

We were all watching home alone in the living room, it was kinda like a sleep over type of thing, everyone one was here.

Roshaun, Alvaro, and Robert we all here and so where their girlfriends, they are all so chill and nice.

"Let me take her to the room" Joey said sitting up "it's fine, I'm comfortable with her here" I smiled

"You sure?" He asked "Joey shut the fuck up" Sophia said and everyone laughed a little "you know what, hold her ima be right back" I said and he picked her up.

I went up to my room and check all the gifts, I wanted to make sure they were all here and I wasn't missing anything

"Mattia get out!" I whisper yelled pushing him "I just wanna talk" he said "then let me do something then we can talk" I said pushing him but that wouldn't do anything

"Fine" he said and waited outside as I put everything away "what were you doing?" He asked

"I was about to wrap some gifts" I said as we both sat down on the bed.

"Can I help?" He said "no" I looked at him

Silence fell between us, it was awkward, it was actually comfortable

I looked up to see him looking at me, it made me smiled for some reason.

Why is he so good looking?

"Admiring me?" He chuckled "sadly I am" I looked down

"Kailani...I'm sorry" he said "it's okay" I played with the tape.

"No it's not, I knew how you felt about me and I-"

"Mattia please it's fine" I looked up to see him

"I read your notebook" he said "you read my what?" I said shocked.

I forgot about that stupid notebook.

"I'm sorry" he said once again "it's fine, whatever was written on it doesn't matter anymore"

Then there was silence

He stood up and walked to the door, "please stay" I whispered,"what?" He turned back

"Please stay" I looked at him and a small smile formed on his face

I stood up and got the gifts except his because it was already wrapped.

"You want me to help you now" he chuckled "basically" I smiled

I want him with me, right now that's all I want.

"Every bag has a sticky not with the name of the person" I said and he looked into the bag and nodded

After what seemed 30 minutes we finished "thank you" I smiled and I put the gifts in my closet

I walked back and Mattia was on his phone.

"Ima head downstairs now" I said grabbing me phone

"Wait" he said as I got to the door "wha-"

He cut me off my smashing his lips onto mine.

I was shocked at first but then kissed back.

This is wrong he has a girlfriend, I pulled away and he looked into my eyes "why?" I said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I-I wanted to know how it felt kissing you one last time" he said, then someone knocked on the door

"Sup jojo" I said "oh um I'll just go downstairs" he said

"Nah Joey it's fine we're heading downstairs too" Mattia spoke

"Yea he helped me finish wrapping some gifts" I smiled

"Okay then, Layla woke up she wants you to make her some hot chocolate" he smiled as all three of us went downstairs

"Why did you make it?" I laughed "I told her I would do it but she basically got mad because she wants you to do it" he said

"Who wouldn't Kailani makes the best hot chocolate" Mattia chuckled "I was about to say that" I said walking to the kitchen

Layla was sitting on the counter waiting for me, "hi Dino" she smiled as Mattia followed "hey" he poked the tip of her nose

Joey went back with the rest to finish watching the movie, then like about 2 minutes the doorbell rang.

I beat Mattia to the door "Jack!" I smiled "hello" he chuckled "avani your manz if here!" I screamed and she ran to Ethan.

"I brought cookies" jack said holding up a bag, he took them to the living room and stayed there with the rest as I went back to the kitchen

"Chubby bunny I see" I laughed walking into the kitchen

And both Layla and Mattia nodded their heads "thubby bubby" Layla managed to say

Then Mattia started to struggle, making both of us laugh.

"Okay you win" he said spitting the marshmallows into the trash can

"Yay" Layla smiled almost falling off the counter

"Oh my goodness" I said grabbing her, then took her to spit out the marshmallows.

"Time to make your hot chocolate" I took a deep breath.

Mattia's POV

As she made Layla her hot chocolate I sat there playing with Layla, but thinking about the kiss.

The look on her face when I told her I wanted to know how it felt one last time, she looked confused.

And god I wish I could tell her, and I don't want it to happen, but it's my fault I let her slip away.

Joey was talking to us about her, and how they've known each other.

And how he's gonna asked her to be his girlfriend.

I got so mad, I acted as it I got a call so I could go outside.

And seeing her right in front of me right now, makes me wonder what would've happened if I never got with Isabella while she was in coma.

I lost hope, everyday when I would go see her, they would tell me that she could die any second, I love her I really do.

I've never loved a girl as much and I love her.


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