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Hey luvs😌

Many weeks later

Kailani's POV

I woke up around 11:35 because there were knocks on the door.

"What do you want?" I asked opening the door "I thought you were ready?" Alejandro asked

"Um no I just woke up" I said

"Then get ready everyone is at Derek's and Sophia's already" he said

"Shit I forgot" I smiled

I went and showered, once I was done I changed into a white dress that wasn't too tight but showed off my baby bump

I got out and did my hair and makeup, "damn" Alejandro smiled as I walked out the bathroom "shut up we gotta go" I said grabbing my keys "I'm driving" he said taking the keys from me

"You look beautiful" he said as we were on our way to Sophia's house

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself" I smiled and he chuckled

"Did you get a weird dm yesterday?" I asked "nope why?" He looked at me

"Because everyone's been saying they've gotten one, and I mean everyone like everyone in the dorm building" I lied

"Oh well I haven't" he said, after a couple minutes we pulled up to Sophia's house and there were a lot of cars in the driveway, and the house does have a pretty big driveway.

"Damn looking cute as always" avani hugged me she was wearing a pink two-piece dress with a knead jacket, "damn you look amazing" Sophia looked me up and down, she was twining with avani but her dress was a baby blue.

"Aww thank you, y'all look amazing too" I smiled "you guys decorated very nice" Alejandro said

"Thank you" the girl looked at him "you guys didn't give clear instructions" he laughed and I stayed confused

"It's nothing" avani laughed

"Oh okay" I laughed a little then we walked into the house, punk and blue balloons everywhere, the decorations were all very cute.

I'd never think they would do such and amazing job decorating, like they went all out.

"Have you thought of the names yet?" Alejandro put his arm around me as I walked around

"No, I can't decide" I looked at him "bruh" he chuckled looking at me

"Hey I still have time okay" I said "well yea but what names have to thought about?" He asked

"If it's a girl the top name is Mia and if it's a boy his name would be Moses, but i didn't know" I said and he nodded

"I like them, but I would like the boys name if it had like Alejandro as the middle name" he smiled

"My mom said I should but Alexander" I said "ehhh whatever it's your child" he laughed

"I- okay" I said getting a cup of water

"It's the pregnant dumbass" kairi said walking into the house

"Aye it's the short ass snowman" I smiled "wow" he stoped infront of me

"I remember when I was taller than you at one point" he looked down

"I'm taller than you by two inches" I rolled my eyes

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