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Hey guys so I have a new book coming out soon!
I've been wondering if you guys have a main guy that you want the story to be about!

If you have any ideas for this book drop em down and if not please help me out on the name for the main guy lmao! Please and thank you guys🙏🏼❤️


Kailani's POV

"Because I can bitch and if I were you I'd leave me alone alright because you don't know who I am" I said

"Aww if that a threat" she said in a baby voice "take it how ever you want but this is the first and last time I'm telling you this" I said pushing her out my way

"Fucking bitch" she said making a dramatic fall "oh please your not a five year old stop it" I rolled my eyes

"What's going on?" Mattia walked out the bathroom

"You bitch won't leave me alone" I said getting my clothes

"She threatened my baby" she said walking to Mattia's side "You threatened her?" He said "no, she took what I said as a threat because she's stupid" I smiled

"I'm going to leave see you later babe" she pecked his lips

"Stay away from him" she said starting into my eyes "wasn't planning on getting near him" I smiled and she left

"What the hell?" Mattia said walking to me "um no bitch stay 6 feet away....not even make that 6 yards" I said backing away

"Really?" He looked at me "um yea" I said then went into the bathroom and changed

"Kailani what's happening? Why are you acting like this?" He said once I walked out

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"Kailani what's happening? Why are you acting like this?" He said once I walked out

"Okay first of she called me a bitch..I would keep her away from me because both you and her don't know who I am" I said

"Really who are you then" he grabbed my arm "that is for you to find out" I said

"What did I do though why's re you mad at me?" He said

"I wish I could tell you, bye Mattia" I said

Mattia's POV

I knew I fucked up once I told the guys, I was gone for 4 days because I was with Jenna.

Every time I always manage to go back with her she was my very first girlfriend, and I was so I love with her.

Until one day she moved away and never talked to me. I was broken when I found out she moved so she wouldn't have to tell me that she cheated.

I went over to her forgetting about Kailani. I got with her without thinking. I know the guys were going to tell her, it was quiet obvious they were.

"I wish I could tell you, bye Mattia" she said and left the room.

I saw the hurt in her eyes, she's really good at hiding her emotions, the only guys who've seen her emotions are Alejandro and Kairi.

I got ready for the bonfire and headed to the location

"Aye Mattia" Derek said as I got there then we dabbed each other up

"Your girls over there" Kairi pointed at Jenna "wait you're back with her?" Derek and Roshaun asked

"Yea he is" Kairi said "damn you ain't got to be telling everybody I can tell them myself, it's isn't my fault she's your stepsister now!" I said getting mad

"Oh it's not because she my stepsister, it's because you fucked up and you know you did, we just want to make you mad" Kairi said

"Really?" I said walking close to his short ass

"Yea basically you lost only special girl" ale said "and what makes you say that?" I turned to him

"When she found out you and Jenna got back together, I could tell is effected her by the sound of her voice and she didn't even know her yet" He said

Kailani's POV

"Hey guys!" I smiled jogging up to Jake and Quinton

"You seem really happy what's wrong?" Jack said making Quinton chuckle

"Nothing" I lied getting a beer, if there's any guy  here that knows me better than the others it's jack

"Okay you really are happy what's going on" Quinton said "what I can't be happy?" I smiled "you're high aren't you?" He said grabbing my face

"Just a little" I kissed his cheek

"Woah there" Jack said and they both looked shocked "oh come one it's not like I ah ent kissed you before" I smiled

"Hey girl" Avani said hugging me "so hows you and your soon to be new man?" I smiled "we're good! He's going to be here any minute now" she smiled and grabbed a cup filled with tequila

"Oops sorry" stupid Jenna said after she spilt her drink on me "I'm fucking down with this bitch" I said

I walked to her and punched her across the face "Kailani chill" Quinton said grabbing me "let me go!" I yelled trying to get off his grip

"Aye let her go!" I heard the boys yell "please let me go I need to teach her a lesson real quick" I begged him Mattia and his people started to walk over to us

Jenna was standing there touching her face yelling for him to let me go.

"Fine but don't kill her" he whispered and I smiled

"This is gonna be fun" avani said and took a seat by Alejandro and kairi

"Okay let's go come on!" I said getting ready

She swung for me but I dodged it then punched her and made her fall.

"That's all she can do? Pull hair?" They laughed as I punched her. Finally she did something and was on top of me and I kicked her in the stomach making her fall to the side.

"That's enough" Quinton said "wait I'm not done!" I said then walked over to her and punched her kicking her out "damnnn!" Everyone yelled as Mattia helped her up

"I told her to fuck around with me" I fixed my hair

"Damn Kailani didn't know you could fight" Kairi and the rest of the boys said "she was known at high school for that" Avani laughed

"That is true she was one good fight and still is apparently" Quinton smiled "did she ever hurt you?" Mattia asked walking up to us

"No she learned it from me when everything was you know perfect" Quinton looked down "but I got better as the time passed when I was with him good and bad times" I smiled and a smile appeared on his face

"Is she okay?" Jack asked "yea she's fine" Mattia said

"Tell her to not fuck around with me anymore" I said walking away to get a drink.


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