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Long chapter😌


Kailani's POV

"Lani when will you have a baby?" Layla asked as we walked around the mall

"I don't know....not anytime soon" I smiled holding her hand as we walked

"What about you?" She asked looking at Mattia "I don't know either" he said looking at her then at me giving the that look and I just rolled my eyes.

A couple minutes went by and Layla was sitting at a table with me while Mattia went to use the restroom.

"Are we leaving soon?" She asked "yes" I smiled putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Lani I don't wanna go back home" she said and I looked up at her, she looked sad but worried and terrified at the same time

"Why baby?" I said looking at her "daddy and Alyssa always yell and fight" she said with her eyes filling up with tears.

"You girls ready?" Mattia asked and I wiped her tears off "let's just go to the hills and stay there for a while" I smiled looking at him.

He gave me a confused look, "I'll tell you later" I smiled helping him with some bags. Layla held the small baggies that had her necklace and bracelets I bought her, while I held some of the bigger bags and Mattia held a big ass dinosaur stuffed animal that Layla wanted and some bags

"Your not taking me to sophias right?" She said as Mattia buckles her up in her seat, "no we're going somewhere else" he smiled

"Are you sure she'll want to go there?" He asked as he started the car "yea" I smiled and he held my hand as his other hand was on the steering wheel

"Why are we going there again?" He whispered, I looked back and saw Layla holding the dinosaur petting it making me smile

"She doesn't want to go back because Joey and her mom are always fighting you know" I whispered

"I get you" he nodded then we arrived at the hills minuets after.

"It looks so pretty" Layla smiled "I know" Mattia held her making my heart melt.

I looked at them talk for a while, "what?" He chuckled interrupting my thoughts

"Nothing" I smiled

Mattia's POV

We've been here for 15 minutes now, Layla and Kailani are picking flowers from the ground and making a bouquet from them.

She looks so damn gorgeous, and with Layla's small body next to her they look amazing, she's so nice with kids.

Now I know why people say she's going to be a good mom.

"Do you like them?" Layla ran my way "they're beautiful" I smiled and Kailani sat next to me laying her head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired" she whispered

"Want to go now?" I asked and she shook her head no

"Dino where do your parents live?" Layla asked "my mom lives a couple hours from here and my dad moved back to Italy" I answered her

"Where's that?" She tilted her head a little "far away from here, really far" I said

"Have you gone there before?" She asked

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