• 14 •

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⚠️Important message at the end of the chapter ⚠️

There was a knock on the door

Kailani's POV

"I'll go get it" my mom said quickly and hurried over to the door, I heard her talking to the person who was at the door

"It's fine don't worry" I heard her say then watched her walk in with a man into the dinning room.

My eyes widened in shock.

"Mija I want you to meet David " she smiled and I gave her a small smile "nice to meet you, your mom has told me about you" he smiled extending his hand out and I shook his hand

"Nice to meet you too" I smiled and we took a seat

As we had dinner we talked and I got to know more about them, apparently they known each other for a long time know

I wanted to ask who's going to stay in the room that almost in front of mine but I felt like it would to be rude.

It's was about to be 9 when he was getting ready to leave ""I'll see you on Tuesday when he gets here" David smiled

"alrighty then" my mother said kissing his cheek and I felt awkward

I said goodbye then he left "who is "he"" I air quoted *he*

"Your stepbrother" she smiled walking to the kitchen "woah step brother? He best be like 5 or some shit" I followed her

"He goes to your college" she said and I walked upstairs.

I went to my room and FaceTimed avani

My bitch🤪😈: yes bitch

Wifey💍🥶: I have a stepdad now his name's David

My bitch🤪😈: your fucking lying

Wifey💍🥶: nope I'm not apparently they've known each other so sometime now

My bitch🤪😈: does he have any kids?

Wifey💍🥶: yes...and he goes to our college

My bitch🤪😈: wait really do you know who he is?

Wifey💍🥶: no but I don't want to think it's anyone that I know

My bitch🤪😈: wait what? Why?

Wifey💍🦋: so um he told my mom that he'll see us on Tuesday right...then the guys came to mind

My bitch🤪😈: why?

Wifey💍🥶: because they're all heading to their homes on Tuesday..and well

My bitch🤪😈: wait we're did you move again?

~I told her where~

My bitch🤪😈: your lying...so our all of our families moved there?

Wifey💍🥶: What do you mean all?

My bitch🤪😈: yea Sophia's fam and mine

Wifey💍🥶: did you tell me about this before?

My bitch: no why?

Wifey💍🥶: nothing I gotta go bye bitch

My bitch🤪😈: bye bitch


I hung up and laid in my bed thinking.

I know someone told me about this place, if it isn't Avani nor Sophia who is it?

I called Mattia but again there was no answer, then I called Katie. No answer. called Alejandro and he didn't answer either

I check their insta and snap stories and they were all at a party.

I was bored as hell and there was nothing to do.

"Hey Mija" my mom walked in "hola" I smiled and she sat down next to me "so.." she said

"Eh he's really nice and chill I thought he was going to be you know" I said looking at her

"I get you..he isn't like that, I really hope you get along with his son I don't want you know any arguing and things like that going around" she smiled

"We'll see" I smiled back and she walked out a couple minutes after.


Okay y'all sooo I'm sorry for the short chapter but I need your help

Idk who the stepbrother should be so please help me out🥺😂

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