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Next Morning

Kailani's POV

I woke up and went to take a shower then changed into this

I woke up and went to take a shower then changed into this

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I grabbed my backpack and went to drop my work off.

"You're here early" Mrs. Garcia smiled "just came to drop off all my work" I smiled back giving her the packet she gave us "I also turned in everything that was due online" I said and she nodded

"Thank you sweetie" she said as I left and went back to the dorm building

"Kai wake the fuck up" I said hitting him with a pillow "okay fine" he yawned

"Where's ale?" He asked "I don't know but the door was unlocked" I smiled

"Remember we're meeting up at McDonald's later so hurry up" I said then left his dorm

"Oh hey have you seen Sophia?" Avani said as I walked out the room "no I just got back and woke kairi up I thought she was still asleep" I looked at her

"She probably went to turn her work in" I smiled "yea probably" she said "well I got to go" I smiled and she went back to her dorm

Sophia's POV

"Derek what do you mean?" I said confused on what he just told me

"Yea look you still love Mattia, and I want Kailani" he said

"And?" I said as he stopped the car "we lie and say it's Mattia's baby" he looked at me (thank you @amore0722 for the idea)

"But what if he wants to do a dna test, or if the baby doesn't look like him?" I said "Sophia don't freak out there's a way I'll take care of that" he smiled

"Derek why don't we just say the truth" I said "Sophia then if we do that you won't have Mattia" he raised one eyebrow

"Okay fine" I said running my hand through my hair then he explained the whole plan out

"See you in a couple days then" I said as we got out the car

"Bye soph" he said as we hugged and I went to my dorm.

Kailani's POV

"Mattia stop give it back!" I laughed "then give mine back" he smiled "I don't think that's possible" I stopped

"Gimme my phone my mom is gonna call me" I tried jumping for it

"Then I'll answer her" I smiled "I don't even have your phone" I smiled

"Oh really?" He said

"Yes kairi took it" I said trying not to smile.

"Then what's in your back pocket?" He said "my phone..ah shit" I looked down laughing

"Fine here" I gave him his phone "thank you" he smiled and walked away "Excuse you I need mine back tho" I said following him "for what?" He smiled placing it next to him

"Because my mother is going to call me?" I smiled slowly making my way to his bed

"Tough" he smiled as I tried to get it but he grabbed it "I hate you" I laughed trying to get it back "hate is a very strong word" he smiled

Then we started to like tackle each other on his bed "okay then I highly dislike you" I smiled and he pinned me down "that's still-"

"She calling!" I said "birth giver?" He smiled "yea" I smiled and he answered and put her on speaker

Birth giver💕🌹🥰:hey mija

Mi preciosa👑💕: hola mamá

Birth giver💕🌹🥰: I just wanted to check up on you guys how's everyone doing?

Mi preciosa👑💕: estamos bien, we're leaving in like an hour or so

Birth giver💕🌹🥰: ok bye mija take care

Mi preciosa👑💕: ok you too bye mam

"Really bitch" I said after he hung up "I need it!" I said trying to get it "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I laughed grabbing his face after I hit him by accident

"That hurt so bad" he laughed rubbing his face "I'm sorry" I said "it's fine" he smiled then we heard knocks on the door

He got off me then went to open the door "ah it's you" I smiled and hugged Sophia

"Why are you happy to see me?" She laughed "one because I'm basically going to be that child's favorite aunt and secondly because he's being annoying" I smiled

"Well Kairi is already at McDonald's" she smiled "alright let me grab my things" I said and she went to get hers to her dorm

"Bye dinosaur" I smiled "bye child" he laughed giving me a hug, I didn't want to let go and I could tell he noticed

"Don't worry I'll see you in like 4 or 5 days" he smiled "okay bye" I smiled back and walked out the dorm

Derek's POV

"Yo so you can do this right?" I asked Jacob "yea but we are going to need Mattia to donate some blood and the money" he said

"About how much?" I asked "5k" he answered "alright I'll get Mattia to come donate some blood, then I'll bring the money" I said and he nodded

"Seems cool" he smiled "I have someone else to attend see you when Mattia comes and donates"

"Yea wait but the blood what's gonna happen to it I mean we are all heading back to our hometown you know" I said

"yea I'm heading over there in a couple days so if Mattia comes before you all leave I'll take it with me and if not just take him over there" he said

"alright I gotta go before they get her see you man" I said then we dabbed each other up then I left

I texted Sophia and she told me that they were just on there way right now

Kailani's POV

"Kairi I swear mine at 2%" I fought for the charger "bitch mines at 1%" he laughed

"No it's not lemme see" I grabbed his phone

"You guys are gonna make us die" Sophia smiled "yea drive kairi, eyes on the road" I smiled and pulled my phone in

"Your phone is at 85% you lair" I hit his arm

"So have to tried to figure who the baby daddy is?" I asked


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