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I didn't do spell check bc it's
a long chapter and I'm tired lmao💕


Next Morning

Kailani's POV

I woke up to Mattia's arms wrapped around me.

I stood up from the bed slowly trying to not wake him up then went and got ready for the day.

I went downstairs and set the small gift box on the kitchen island so he could see it when he come downstairs.

I started to make breakfast, and let coco out in the backyard, the woman told me he was trained and all which is actually really good.

"Morning" Mattia whispered hugging me from behind, the smell of his cologne surrounding me "morning" I smiled then he kissed me before letting go

"Babe can you open the door for the dog?" I asked and he nodded.

"Hey bud" he smiled playing with him.

I got the plates and everything else ready to start serving the food while Mattia went to check up on Mateo.

"Nana said it would be better so I wouldn't get bored with you guys" I heard Mateo say then they both walked into the kitchen

"Oh well I guess" Mattia looked at me "what?" I farrowed my eyebrow

"Nothing....you got Layla's gift already?" He asked pointing at the box "no" Mateo and I said in sync

"Then?" He asked with a confused look on his face "it's for you" Mateo giggled and I smiled as I fixed up the plates.

"Me?" He looked at me "open it" I looked at him with excitement

He took the grey bow that held the box from opening, then took his damn time to open the box "just open it" I smiled with a small laugh

"Okay" he smiled and looked down at the box.

He opened it and looked at it for a couple seconds, "you're serious" he looked at me and his eyes looked watery

I nodded and he walked to me hugging me tight, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him "so how do you feel?" I smiled cupping his face with my hands

"I don't know how explain how happy I feel"  he said and pecked my lips "sooooooooo I want it to be a girl" Mateo said and Mattia put me down

"No I want it to be a boy" I smiled "you always said you wanted a little girl" Mattia crossed his arms

"I want more mini mateos" I smiled "stop" Mateo said (idk if y'all imagined it but when I wrote this Debbie Ryan came to some yk)

Mattia's POV

I opened the box seeing two baby outfits, one for a boy and one for a girl and in the center was a pregnancy test.

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