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" but why?" Both her and Mattia said

Kailani's POV

"First off Mattia you should know, and laylay your too young to understand" I said pulling up to the mall

"What have you thought about buying him?" I asked as Mattia carried Layla "hmm what about candy?" She smiled

"I'll buy him the gift and we'll say you picked it" I smiled "okay then" she said

"Do you even know what he likes?" Mattia asked

"I've known his my whole life, so yea I do know" I said

We walked in and went into Gucci "do you like this one?" I asked Layla "yea" she smiled

"Okay that's it" I smiled, then went to pay

"How is you're bank account still-"

"Yes it's still good, I spent more on the person I got for the secret Santa shit" I laughed

"Who's you get?" He asked "can't say" I smiled as the lady gave my the bags

"Why?" He asked

"Because if I tell you what's gonna be the point of it? This whole thing is supposed to be a secret" I said

"You're right" he smiled

Mattia's POV

She's really going to spoil him.

She got three hoodies, and three full outfits to go with them and some shoes.

All from Gucci.

I have 3 more days to buy her the secret Santa gift.

"Have you gotten your girl something yet?" She asked

"Nope"  I answered her truthfully

"That's sad" Layla said making both of us laugh a little "very sad" Lani smiled sending butterflies to me stomach

I stupid for letting her go, for telling her I "moved on" and didn't feel the same anymore

After that argument all I've been wanting to do is be with her.

"You're dad is calling want to answer?" Lani said passing the phone to Layla

I got to see his contact name "🤍jojo🤍"

And Layla answered the call, "I dunno" she said with a confused little face.

She's so adorable, and everyone telling Kailani she's gonna be a good mom, kinda is making me wanna you know.

Kailani's POV

"We'll be heading back in a few" I said after Layla gave me my phone

"alright stay safe lo-"

"Don't worry Joey, we love you too bye" I laughed and Mattia looked at me shocked

"It was a joke sir...plus you have a girlfriend" I smiled and Layla giggled

We went back to the car and headed home "she fell asleep" Mattia said turning back around to face forward

"I still don't get why you bought her that big ass teddy bear"

"I told her it was my Christmas gift to her" he smiled "whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully

~~~~ Later at night ~~~~

I woke up feeling something move on my bed "Layla?" I whispered "I had a nightmare" she said

"Come here" I patted the spot by me and she laid next to me.

She fell asleep quickly, then Joey walked into the room "it's fine leave her here" I whispered "I don't want her to bother you" he whispered

"She never does" I looked at him.


"I said it's fine jojo" I stood up

"Where you going?" He followed me "to get some water" I said walking downstairs

"Who the fuck made this?" I laughed quietly "don't judge it" he said

"Okay that's the best gingerbread house I've ever seen" I rolled my eyes playfully grabbing a cup

"I'm tired" he yawned hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder

"The go to sleep stupid, it's about to be 3 in the morning" I said then drank the water

"But I don't want too" he said whispered  "Aww too bad, ima go to sleep" I said turning around facing him "thank you" he looked into my eyes

"For?" I said walking to to the stairs "being like a mother to her" he said as we stopped at my room door.

"You don't need to thank me for that" I let a little laughed escape my mouth.

He stood there for a couple seconds then we started to lean in, he pulled me a little closer, resting his hand on my jaw with his other hand by my waist pulling our bodies closer

It didn't take long for his lips to be touching mine

I kissed back and pulled him closer by the neck, then after what seemed a long time we pulled away resting our foreheads on each other

"Night jojo" I smiled "night Lani" he said pecking my lips one more time before going back to the room he was staying in.


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