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Next Morning

Kailani's POV

I woke up in my moms room, I looked around but she wasn't their.

I stood up and went downstairs to see David sleeping omg the couch I looked around the house and don't find my mom, so I called her and she said she had gone to the store

"Morning" kairi walked downstairs "hey kai" I said looking at the backyard from the glass door that led to it

"I didn't think-"

"Kairi I don't want to talk about that right now" I looked at him fixing his messy hair

"Sorry..um ima go get breakfast wanna come?" He asked "yea let me just go get ready" I smiled and went up to my room and changed

um ima go get breakfast wanna come?" He asked "yea let me just go get ready" I smiled and went up to my room and changed

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"Ready?" He asked "yea I'm starving" I smiled and we got in his car.

"You're mom said you fell asleep like around 4:30 in the afternoon" he smiled

"Yea I had no fucking energy as stop saying "you're mom" she's your mom too" I looked o it the window

"I know I just feel weird calling her "mom" when you're around" he chuckled

The whole car ride we were both jamming out to music. It pretty much got everything that happened yesterday out of my head for a while

"It's actually warm today I thought it was going to be cold" he said once we got to his favorite breakfast place

"I thought the same" I smiled as we walked in "I'm going to pay" he said as we looked through the menu

"For your food? Okay but ima paying for mine" I said "you're funny" he said then the waitress came and took our order

"Wanna come shopping with me, I need help buying the secret Santa gift" he said as we ate our food

"Who's you get? I promise I won't tell" I said "I got avani and I don't know what to give her, who'd you get?" He said taking a sip from his water

"Mattia" I looked down taking a bite from my hash browns

"we can switch if you want, I'll just buy what you'll get avani if you already bought his gift" he smiled

"It's fine,bI already got his gift" I said "and I have nothing to do nor do I want to go home so yea I'll go with you" I said then we finished eating our food

Mattia's POV

"Ale you don't understand!" I said stressed as hell

"That baby's yours Mattia the paper fucking says it" he said running his hand through his hair

"What if they messed up or some shit?" I said looking around the room

"Yea I don't think that can happen, they tested her two times Mattia" he said

"You're not helping Alejandro" I said putting my head down on the kitchen island

"I know I'm not but you have to accept it Mattia, she's carrying your baby" he said "that's not my fucking child, and I hate how all the guys are saying that I'm just doing this because I'm not ready to be a dad and that I want Kailani" I stood up

"I know damn well that kid is not mine" I said making my way up to my room

"Then who's is it?" He followed behind me "I don't know but it for sure isn't mine" I said

"Ale I just want her with me right now, this whole shit ruined what we had" I sat on my bed covering my face with my hands

"When I tell you she was almost mine ale, so fucking close, god fucking damn!" I yelled punching the wall

"Mattia calm down, you need to get some rest bruh, you didn't sleep for shit last night" ale said grabbing my arms, stopping my from punching him

"How the fuck am I going to calm down, her best fucking friends is caring a child that isn't mine and y'all dumbasses keep saying that it is!" I yelled and he pushed me to my bed

"Just go the fuck to sleep we'll figure shit out once you wake up" he said walking to my window

"We are shocked, Mattia we don't know how to take this all in, all we can do it calm down and see what happens" he continued

"Oh my gosh she's gonna get with Derek" I sat up "what?" He looked at me confused

"Now that this whole thing happened, Derek is going to take this advantage to take her, hell nah I can't let that happen, she's mine and only mine" I stood up

"Where the fuck you goin?" He walking infront of me "to see Kailani" I said trying to get past him

"Yea you'll go see her after you sleep and wake the fuck back up" he pushed me back to my bed "stop pushing me goddamn" I said

"Fine I'll go to sleep" I rolled my eyes "I'll be downstairs" he said walking out my room and I slowly fell asleep

Kailani's POV

Kairi is making this more harder than what it should be, "look I'll pick out the things you just pay" I smiled

"I'm not going to do much so get rid of that facial expression" I laughed and he smiled

"I want to get her some shoes though, like customer air forces" he said "I know someone who sells then we can drive over to his house later" I said and he agreed to go

"There a full outfit, these chains and the shoes" I smiled "that's cool" he said and paid about 45 for everything besides the shoes

"I'll pay for the shoes, and I need you help picking out the cologne ima give Mattia" I said as we walked into Gucci

We bought the cologne then headed over to get the shoes.

Once we got them we went back home, "I'm go in through the back yard" I smiled "he'll Nah just want in like a normal person stupid"he grabbed my arm dragging me inside the house

I walked in and saw Mattia in the living room.


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