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Hey luvs💕


Kailani's POV

"Um y-yea" i said and my mom looked at me, "I'll send you the address" he said then hung up before I could say anything else.

"Who was it?" My mom asked "Mattia" I grabbed my keys

"Are you going to tell him?" She looked at me concerned.

"No" I said looking her in the eye, "mija Mateo is his son too don't forget that"  she said grabbing my arm

"Ma I can't and not right now" I said, "he's his son!" She raised her voice

"He's engaged mom" I looked at her and she let go of my hand.

"Oh" she looked away "I need to get going" I said and left the house.


"Careful" he extended his hand out "thank you" I said as he helped me.

"No problem" he smiled, and instantly thought of Mateo

"I saw you earlier today, when we bumped into each other, what's wrong? I saw that look on your face" he looked at me.

"It's nothing Mattia, tell me how you been" I said trying to change the subject.

"Lani I don't want to talk about that" he said "then I'm not going to talk about the look that was on my face" I looked away.

"Lani" he said "Mattia" I said annoyed

"I know something's wrong" he said

"Congrats" I clapped my hands smiling, "bruh" he looked at me "why do you want me here? I'm kinda busy" I said

He took a deep breath but didn't say anything, he just looked forward licking his lips

"Mattia" I said and he turned to me, "I just wanted to be with you, it's been like 4 years" he said

"You know what fuck you, I'm not going to have this conversation with you!" I raised my voice at him and he looked shocked

But at this point I don't care. I don't care what he thinks or what he feels.

I don't care about him.

"Lani" he grabbed my hand and I could see the sadness in his eyes, the same eyes that would make me wanna hug him because of how bad I felt.

This time there was nothing, no emotions going on.

Mattia's POV

"Please just stay here with me, at least for ten more minutes" I begged her.

"No Mattia let me go" she said taking my hand off her.

"Please let me explain everything" I said grabbing her again.

Please just don't leave, I need her here I don't care if she's mad at me right now for some reason.

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