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3 days after

Kailani's POV

I haven't talked to Mattia since the day of the party, mostly because he's never around and come back really late.

I was laying in bed for ten minutes and decided to go shower and change to go out⬇️

I started to do my make up when I heard the door open "hey" Mattia looked me up and down while licking his lips

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I started to do my make up when I heard the door open "hey" Mattia looked me up and down while licking his lips

"Hi" I said annoyed "where you going?" He asked leaning on the door frame "none of your concern" I said finishing up and putting everything away.

I grabbed my phone and key then headed out the room

"Hai" I smiled giving kairi a hug "hey" he smiled back and Mattia just looked at us for a while then walked back to the room

"Wanna meet the rest of the squad then get something to eat?" He asked "yea that's okay" I smiled and we went to pro and met up with them

"Damn kairi got a girl!" A tallish guy said "and she's shorter than him" Alejandro asked with a chick by his side

"We're just close friends" I smiled "they started of close friends somehow they turned-" they laughed "okay that enough guys" kairi laughed

"I'm Roshaun, that's aloe vera, Robert, and dick" he smiled pointing at each "dick?!" The light skin with curly hair laughed

"I'm Derek" he smiled at me while everyone laughed

"That's Katie Ale's girl" kairi smiled putting his hand on my lower back

"Come on let's go hang out while they do their dumb shit" she smiled and we walked to some bench that was near

"Kailani right?...I'm Katie" she smiled "you two make a cute couple" I smiled

We talked for a while getting to know each other

I would say after a while Kairi and I left them and went to in-n-out

"No let me pay for my food" I said trying to stop him "no I'm paying no go sit" he said pushing me away lightly

"No here take it" I smiled at the woman that took our order Kairi snatched the money from my hand "go sit" he said looking my in the eye "fine" I turned around once he smiled

Kairi's POV

"You guys are a cute couple" the woman smiled as I payed "oh no we aren't together" I smiled scratching my neck

"Oh I'm sorry it was just they way you guys were acting" he smiled "it's fine don't worry" I said and she gave me my change

"I hate you" Kailani said "what? Why?" I took a seat "because you didn't let me pay" She looked down

"But you should've known the moment we stepped in here I was not going to let you pay" I smiled throwing her the receipt

"How dare you?" She smiled throwing it at my head then it bounced and hit someone else

We acted as if it wasn't us.

We ate our food, then headed back to the dorms

Kailani's POV

Both Kairi and I were walking back to the dorms and I saw Alejandro and Katie

"Bitch I've been texting you why the fuck you don't answer you phone!" Avani yelled behind us "you did?...oh you did" I looked at all her texts and missed calls

"Sorry" I smiled "whatever know kairi k need my wifey back" she said pulling me away

"Bye kairi!" I yelled as I was dragged into her dorm "I was hanging out with him why you do that?" I plopped down on her bed

"Because I've been lonely all fucking day and i don't know where the fuck Sophia has been these two days" she said

"Bruh she's a hoe let her get some dick" I rubbed my temples

"Well I mean she could at least call me or text me that she ain't coming back soon" she rolled her eyes

"Oh well figure that out I'm going to my dorm I need to sleep" I said Standing

"It's barley 4 in the afternoon" Avani said "Well ima need energy for later tonight" I said "oh right the party..Have you seen Jack?" She asked "no but I've been in trounce with him he's going tonight and taking Anthony with him" I smiled making my way to the door

"Okay see you later then" she smiled and I went back to my dorm

I opened the door to see Mattia walk out the bathroom. Water from his hair dripping into his abs

With hickeys all over his body.


Hey I hope the books is going good so far

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