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Kailani's POV

"Morning kid" Mattia opened the curtains "Kid?" I smiled

"Okay fine then munchkin" he smiled walking over to get his clothes

I took a shower that night and didn't feel like taking one right now plus it looks cold outside "you can go change first" he said and I walked in and changed⬇️

I took a shower that night and didn't feel like taking one right now plus it looks cold outside "you can go change first" he said and I walked in and changed⬇️

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I walked out the bathroom and he was already changed.

"I'll be back probably tomorrow" he left the room

It felt weird, I don't know maybe because we made our last night and it seems like he's acting like nothing happened.

"Bitch there's a party tonight" Sophia burst into the room with Avani following behind her

"Ha no" I said walking to my bed "but why??" She whined

"Are you stupid?" Avani looked at her "no but what happens last night is in the past" she said

"You've said that every time he's hurt me and is happened again I don't think it can stay as the past" I looked at her

"Please we'll be by your side all night" Sophia said

"Okay but I'm only going this time so you can shut the fuck up" I smiled and her eyes lightened up

"I love you" she lumped on me "ok hoe get off my wifey" avani pushed her off and we laughed

We went down to get some breakfast "damn what do you guys want" Avani asked "I'm feeling IHOP today" I smiled "same" Sophia smiled and we went and ordered our food

We talked about hella shit that wasn't important

"Did you thank him?" Avani asked "shit I forgot" I ate some of my pancakes

"He came back to the door really late tho" I said "and this morning it left as if nothing happened" I continued

We finished up and went to the mall

"Why are we here again?" I asked getting out my car

"We're going to buy a dress for the party tonight" Sophia said as we walked into the mall

"Oohh what about this one?" Avani asked where if a cute dress that made her stand out looking cute as hell

"That's the one" both Sophia and I said

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