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Kailani's POV

"Are you sure about that?" He placed his hands on my waist "Kairi let go" I grabbed his hands and he tightened his grip.

"Or what?" He said looking in my eyes

"Kairi what's gotten into you let go of me" I said trying my best to get his hands off me.

"You used to like when I did this what happened?" He moved closer to me as I backed up and touched the counter.

"Your my stepbrother now" I rolled my eyes giving up "and? We aren't blood related and our parents won't find out" he smiled looking at me

"I can't do this" I said and he let go "your going to regret it" he said as I went upstairs

To be honest I was dying for him. I wanted him a lot but I had to fight back.

I locked my self up in my closet and tried to breathe normally. I can't believe he fucked up and I still want him.

But I want Mattia more, he makes me feel different.

I FaceTimed Mattia and told him I was on my way to his house "where you going?" Kairi asked "none of your business" I flipped him off and made my way to Mattia's house which was HUGE.

Mattia's house⬇️

"Damn" I said walking in "why'd you come?" He asked "I wanted to be with you dummy" I smiled pecking his lips

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"Damn" I said walking in "why'd you come?" He asked "I wanted to be with you dummy" I smiled pecking his lips

"Oh um alright" he looked down scratching his neck "what's wrong?" I asked as we just stood by the front door "nothing" he smiled and lead me to his room.

"Why is your room so neat here but back in our dorm your side is a mess" I laughed looking around

"Because the day you left with all your things I couldn't take it and lost myself" he hugged me from behind

"You have a lot of chains" I smiled looking at them then one caught my attention.

"What's her chain doing here?" I asked hoping Sophia's chain in my had "don't act dumb and tell me why it's here" I said "she came over" he said

"Why? For what?" I said getting mad then there was a noise coming from his closet "fuck" I heard him whisper

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled opening his closet to see Sophia with hickeys all over her neck

"You told me you weren't talking to her at all and that you cut her off" I said tears forming in my eyes "I did-" was all he said

"oh so your just fucking her? I really thought....never mind I don't even know" I stopped and walked out the house

"Kailani please" he ran after me "you told me you couldn't stop thinking about me these past months and all you wanted to do was be with me" I said as a tear ran down my face

Mattia's POV

"Yes I did say that and it's the truth" I said.

I don't like seeing her cry, there's something about it that just isn't it. She's been through a lot and I don't want to see her hurt.

"Well all that says otherwise" she started to walk away "no please don't leave" I grabbed her hands pulling her back slowly

"Mattia please leave me alone" she said looking in my eyes and I could see her pain.

Kailani's POV

"I can't let you go" he said and his eyes got watery "Mattia don't start to fake cry just to make me stay" I said "wow" he said "i want you and only you please" he continued

"If you wanted me you wouldn't had her over" I said walking to my car and leaving

"Back so soon?" Kairi said as I got to my room door

I nodded and went in my room but froze I was able to close the door Kairi stopped me.

"What do y-" was all I could say before his lips were on mine.

I didn't want to kiss back but part of me did.

I kissed him back and moved him closer by his neck. He picked me up with out breaking the kiss then laid me down.

"Kairi" I whispered trying to hold in my moan as he went down to my neck "please" he whispered back "I can't" I said "why" he stopped and pecked my lips

"I-I just can't" I looked at him, I swear if he wasn't my stepbrother we would've already been in round 2 if I never went to Mattia's house

"Come on Lani" he started to leave hickeys and placed his hand on my thigh.

Before we could go any further there were a couple knocks on the front door.

"Are you kidding? Cover them up" he said then left my room, and I made my way to my bathroom and covered the hickeys up

"Who came?" I asked then saw Mattia "what are you doing here?" He stood up "um" kairi said

"Did you like not tell them?" I asked and he shook his head "tell us what?" Mattia asked looking back and forth at us

"I live here" I said

"What kairi she lives with you?" He asked "were step siblings" Kairi said

"Oh shit...damn um well yea uhh that's good to know" he said and after a while left.


I'm sorry it's kinda bad though I had an idea but then I forgot it so I had to improvise 😂

I might not post tmr or maybe I will idk yet but guess what?

It's ma baby's birthday🥳🦖 I know he's done a couple mistakes in the past and I believe people should be forgiven, everyone deserves to be happy and I find it sad how he's getting hated on his birthday😔✨❤️

Happy 17 birthday to big boy Mattia🦖💚

Happy 17 birthday to big boy Mattia🦖💚

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