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A couple weeks later

Kailani's POV

I woke up early, and changed into this

"Why'd you go?" I asked eating my breakfast "why not I'm helping others" Kairi took a piece of bacon off my plate

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"Why'd you go?" I asked eating my breakfast "why not I'm helping others" Kairi took a piece of bacon off my plate

"It's just weird, going to get your book drawn out of nowhere" I smiled

"Morning guys" Sophia came downstairs "morning" I smiled as she gave me a side hug

There was a knock on the door and I ran to get it "why are you running?!" Kairi yelled

"Morning" I hugged Mattia "hey, I missed you" he chuckled "me too" he smiled looking at him

"Um off my man...now" Kairi laughed then they dabbed each other

"Ready?" Mattia asked "yea let me just get my phone" I smiled and ran upstairs

I grabbed what I needed and we headed to his car "so you guys still don't know who the father is?" He asked while driving

"Nope" I smiled looking out the window, it had snowed last night a lot, but the sun was out and made the day a lot more beautiful

"We're all meeting up at Roshaun's later wanna come" he smiled "yea sure" I smiled then we got to the mall

"It's so packed, people are everywhere" I laughed

"I mean it's almost Christmas in a couple weeks so?" He smiled

"Hey shawty, what's your name?" Some dude walked up to me "um Kailani" I smiled

"You free tonight?" He asked "no" I smiled and I could tell Mattia wasn't having it

"What are those digits then?" He smiled "she's taken now have a nice day thank you" Mattia put his arm around me

"How do you know I'm taken? Like I didn't even know that" I smiled grabbing his hand

"I just know" he laughed

"Well okay then" I smiled and we walked into Gucci

After a couple minutes I got everything I needed and so did he "can we go to target? I want candy" I smiled

"Yea" he smiled

~~~~ Later that day ~~~~

"Ale gimme one" I smiled as he sat the beers on the counter "don't drink a lot we still have the rest of the day to go" he smiled

"Roshaun why isn't your house decorated yet?" Kairi asked

"I don't know I mean I'm basically the only one here and we'll it's too much work" he said taking a sip from his beer

"Let's go decorate the house then" all the guys said

Alvaro's girlfriend and Sophia stayed inside making hot chocolate while I went outside with the guys and avani.

"Do you and Ethan still talk?" I asked as we got the lights out "we been together for a couple weeks now" she smiled

"Oh damn how did I not know that?" I laughed hitting her lightly "your the first one to know" she smiled

"Oh- I swear Mattia" I smiled after he threw a snowball at me

""Awww look at then two" ale said "fuck you" I threw the ball at him instead

Then everyone was attacking me, "ok fine I'm sorry leave me alone it fucking cold" I laughed and Mattia helped me up

"I'm gonna beat you ass" I smiled "you're tiny self wont be able to do that" he chuckled

"Oh really" i said then hit I'm in his spot and everyone started laughing "I hate you" he said "oh stop lying" I smiled

We decorated the whole outside of the house "oooh mistletoe" roshaun and ale said "Who put that there?" Both Mattia and I said as we looked up

"Me" kairi laughed

"Come on kissssssss" Ale said

"Please" avani smiled

"It's not like you guys haven't kissed already" Alvaro shouted

"Okay then clam down" I smiled looking at them

I looked up at Mattia then he cupped my cheek and felt his lips on mine "Aww she had to get on her tippy toes" They said "oh shut up" I said rolling my eyes

"That cute though" he smiled putting his arm around me

Sophia's POV

I can't do this to her, just looking at her and Mattia together, I just can't

"What are you thinking about it looks like your gonna cry" kairi smiled sitting next to me "huh oh nothing" I smiled looking away

"So 7 weeks right?" Kairi said "yep" I smiled "what time are you going to get the results?" He asked making me more stressed

"Around 1:30" I smiled "I'm taking her so idk the fuck you going to do" Kailani said with Mattia following behind her

"Ima so bored though" he ran his hand through his hair

"not really your dad is making me go and help you out the lights up because you're short" Mattia said braiding Kailani's hair

"Wait so you're finding out the gender tomorrow?" Alvaro asked "no she's finding out who's the father" Derek said making eye contact with me

"Well ima go home now gimme the keys" Kailani said throwing a crumpled up napkin at kairi

"Wanna go with me" she asked looking at me

"Yea" I smiled and we headed to her car

"Have you finished your Christmas shopping?" I asked breaking the silence between us

"Yea I just need to get one last thing for Mattia" she smiled, and I looked at her for a couple seconds

Ive never seen her so happy about someone, her eyes shine every time she's looking at him, and when she's with him she always has a smile on her face, and when they talk her laughs fill the room

"Have you finished?" She asked "no not yet I still have hella shit to buy" I laughed "then I'll take you after we get the results" she smiled and we pulled up to her house.

This is going to hurt her. But it's too late already.

Will she tell her or not?
What y'all think?

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