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This is a longish chapter 😂 let me know what you guys think🤔


"We should give it a try." He smiled

Kailani's POV

"Derek I don't what thats gonna change" I said then with a blink of an eye his lips were of mine, I kissed back and deepened the kiss

"Woah" ale said when we pulled away "he looks pissed off" Derek smiled

I looked over to Mattia and his jaw was clenched "come on let's go dance" Derek said taking my hand

We all made it to the dance floor and everyone was dancing, which was good because I didn't want to be just with Derek, like he's chill and all but I wasn't expecting his to kiss me

He's actually a good kisser not gonna lie.

"Damn you look fire" roshaun said as he danced "thank you" I smiled at him then the dj started to play some bachata.

"Do you know how to dance to these?" I asked ale and he nodded then we started to dance.

"Damn your really good" he laughed "I know" I smiled and we locked eye contact, he was smiling and his dimples distracted me

"These are so cute" I smiled poking his dimples making him smiled more.

We danced some more then met up with the rest outside.

"How bout we do spin the bottle?" Alvaro suggested "I'm down" everyone said then we took seat

"Ah Mattia can't play" the boys started to laugh and he just rolled his eyes "but I can watch" he said "alright Alvaro you go first" I said passing him my empty beer bottle

He spun it and a landed on a girl with curly hair she's really pretty and her green eyes stand out with her skin tone, which makes her more pretty.

They kissed and everyone started clapping "his first kiss!" Kairi laughed "not even bruh" ale said hitting his arm

"Alright kairi your turn" they said then he grabbed the bottle

"I can't" he said "why, oh" the boys said "and you two aren't blood related" roshaun said

"But still" Kairi said "come on do it" avani said moving my elbow "No we aren't" I said while the boys were trying to convince Kairi

"Why?" She smiled "you literally told me if I didn't come you would tell my mom what happened between us" i rolled my eyes playfully

"Oh right l...yea she's not gonna do it spin again" she said then kairi spun again and it landed on Mattia

"Oh shit" we laughed then took our phones out

"Wait I'm not playing!" Mattia laughed backing away

"To bad!" Alvaro shouted

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