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One Week Later

Kailani's POV

I'm on my way to my mom's house right now, her and David moved to a different house leaving the other one to kairi and me, they said if anyone wanted to move in with us they could.

Nothing has gotten better or worse, it's the same.

Mariano still messes with me, and I haven't told Mattia.

I'm afraid to tell him, I should've told him sooner, now I feel like he's going to leave me.

We aren't together but it feels like we are, just like the other times, but this time it feels different

As if something will happen between us,

"Hey wassup" I said answering kairi's call

"Aye so um I kinda had a car accident" he said "and you're telling me this because?" I smiled

"Because I was on my way as well, and wanted to know if you were close, I'm by Tiger Avenue" he said

"Oh that's like 5 miles ahead from where I'm at, now see you in a bit" I said then hung up

"Did you cause it?" I asked kairi after I pulled over and walked to him

"No, he was drunk driving" he said as the police were taking to the other man.

"Oh well are you done here? Like can we go?" I asked "yea the police have all my information and said they'll make sure the man gets it once he's sober" kairi said

"Okay then let's get going" I said then after we said goodbye to the officers we got in my car and drove home.

The car ride was silent, and kairi was on his phone.

"Kailani I know you've answered this many times, but I'm not convinced and no one else is, are you okay? What happened?" He said

"Kairi I don't want to answer that" I said keeping my eyes on the road "did someone do something to you? Who was it?" He said.

"Kairi" I looked at him quickly, and saw worry and sadness in his eyes

"Please I just want to help Kailani" he said and I felt my eyes water.

Why am i doing this to myself, they all want to help me and I refuse to tell them what happened, I only refuse because

"Was it Mattia?" He whispered "no it has nothing to do with Mattia" I said

"Then what happened to make you wear baggy clothes all of a sudden?" He said as I drove off the freeway and went to the McDonald's drive-thru

"What I can't wear baggy clothes?" I looked at him

"Yea you can but you did it all of a sudden, like you wouldn't wear those things before" he said

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