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Next Morning

Mattia's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing, I don't feel like going to class today.

I slept on her bed last night, wishing she was here with my arms wrapped around her beautiful body.

The scent of her perfume left on the pillows and blankets.

I looked up at the ceiling for a couple minutes.

I took a deep breath and stood up, I did the bed then when to the bathroom after I was done.

Every morning she would be doing her hair or makeup in here when I would wake up.

I looked in the counter and some of their things were still here. Her perfume, lipgloss and her mascara were there.

Once I finished washing my face I changed into grey sweatpants, a white shirt and put in a grey hoodie

Last night I took a shower like around 2:30, and stayed up like another hour think about everything, until I fell asleep

There were knocks on the door, "hey bro" ale said as I opened the door

"Sup ale" I said then closed it once he walked in

"Is your new roommate here yet" he said looking at the empty side of the room

"I don't think so I mean that side still looks empty" I said and he chuckled making me smile a little

"Let's go get breakfast come on" he patted me back "I don't know, I'm not in the mood" I shook me head looking down

"I know damn well your hungry as fuck so let's go eat come on, I don't want to see you like this, so stand up and let's go eat" he said and I rolled my eyes playfully

"Alright then" I chuckled and we left the dorms.

Kailani's POV

"Lani please come out and eat something" my dad said for the fourth time

"I'm not hungry!" I said loud enough for him to here

The house is all nice and shit. But their kids are idk

I reached for my phone and checked the time 11:30

I decided to get up and take a shower, then change into

"Morning" Jayda, the stepmom said as I walked into the kitchen

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"Morning" Jayda, the stepmom said as I walked into the kitchen

"Morning" I smiled

"Hey sweetie" my dad said going in for a hug "not thank you I'm fine Diego" I backed away

"I'm your father" he said

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