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Kailani's POV

I looked out the windows, and it was raining, in May? I swear it was hot as hell like two days ago.

I fixed up my bed and after I headed to the shower then changed into

I walked out the dorm and went over to Avani's to check if she was ready

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I walked out the dorm and went over to Avani's to check if she was ready.

"Open the fucking door" I said slightly banging my head on the door.

And out of no where there was a loud yell and I felt someone grab my arms making my heart drop.

"Mattia, you scared the living hell out of me!" I said coving my face, my heart was racing so fast and my breathing was uneven,

This bitch is scary.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would scare you that much" he hugged me while laughing "fuck you" I said in between the hug

"Look I'm sorry" he pulled away with a smile "why'd you do that?" I punched his arm "you didn't look okay, I mean you were standing by the door banging your head against it, so I was like why not scare you" he smiled

"I hate you" I rolled my eyes "we both know you don't" he smiled looking at me

"Mhm whatever" I smiled looking away "what happened and why are you here?" Avani said walking out the dorm

"This bitch scared me because you were taking hella long" I said

"Well I'm ready let's go" avani said "bye Mattia" we said as he walked into Kairi's and Alejandro's dorm "bye" he smiled then we walked away

"So you guys are talking now? After like what two weeks?" She said as we got in her car "well yesterday, he stayed at my dorm because he didn't want to be in his" I said

"Why? Both of your people gonna be mad when they finds out" she smiled "why? They both hooked up with each other yesterday" I said looking out the window

"Wait huh?" She looked at me with confused written all over her face "yea last night I was looking for Mariano and I found both him and Jenna in a room buttass naked" I said

"I knew you guys weren't goin to last but I don't think Jenna would do that" she drove "why?" I looked at her

"I mean her and Mattia did seem to be taking shit serious, but yet again it's Jenna soooooo" she said

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