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Hey loves💕

Kairi's POV

"Wait your fucking kidding" I smiled "no bitch I'm not like Mateo said something about the tree then I looked at it and flashbacks everywhere dude" Kailani said through the phone

"Well I'll be there in a bit Aliz and I need to tell you something" I said then she said bye and hung up

"I'm excited to tell her" I smiled pecking her lips

"Can't wait time have a mini Olaf around the house" she smiled with a little laugh "I can't believe ima be a dad" I hugged her

"You're gonna be a great dad" she pulled out the hug and kissed my cheek.

God I'm so happy she's my wife and soon I'm gonna have a baby with her.

If Kailani never introduced us to each other I think I would still be single, she would always tell me I would find the one soon, and that day I saw Aliz I instantly knew she was the one.

"I fucking love you" I hugged her "I love you too" She hugged me tighter.

Mattia's POV

"Tia!" Mateo ran to me as Kailani let me in the house "hey" I picked him and he wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug

"He's been talking about you all morning" Lani smiled as he ran back to the living room

"Oh really?" I looked at her "yea" she looked at at me then looked away "and what did he say" I followed her to the living room.

"That you're funny, and that's he likes you a lot" she said as we sat down and watched him play

"Well I mean I'm his da-"

"We're here bitches!" Kairi yelled walking in the house "hey Olaf" Lani stood you and they hugged as I helped Aliz with a couple bags "thank you this bitch just left" she said "um I don't know if you remember her but-"

"Yes that's Aliz I know" Kailani smiles and they hugged "so?" Kairi looked at me

"What do you want to know?" I looked at him as the girls went to the kitchen "what happened last night? Like did you make any progress" he asked

"I don't think so" I shook my head "what about Luna?" He asked "she's staying with Alejandro" I said

"Babe we're we going to tell them now or wait for the rest?" Aliz came and I looked at him confused

"Tell us what?" Both Kailani and I said "you'll have to wait till the rest get here" kairi smiled

<<••<< many minutes after >>••>>

"Bitch I swear to god if she don't remember me I dragging her!" Roshaun walked in with his wig on

"Hey bitch" he smiled walking over to Kailani who looked lost and scared

"Heyy?" She smiled standing up awkwardly and I I could do was smile but I sin faded when Alejandro walked

"Ale!" She smiled wrapping her arms around him, he looked at me with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

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