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Kailani's POV

"Come on" I said helping Derek out my car.

After what seemed 15 minutes we made it to my dorm. "Can you try to stand?" I said letting go of him slowly "yea" he nodded and as I turned to unlock the door he fell

I helped him up then we went inside "try to sit on Mattia's bed" I said then grabbed my pjs to go change

I helped him up then we went inside "try to sit on Mattia's bed" I said then grabbed my pjs to go change

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I washed my face then walked out the bathroom to see Derek wrapped around my blankets sleeping.

I was really tired and Mattia's bed was empty but I didn't wasn't to sleep on it.

I sat on the edge of Mattia's bed and rested my head on the wall since Derek took over my whole bed

Mattia's POV

I got back to the dorm like your 3:15 am, I tired as hell. I didn't see Kailani so I'm guessing she's already here unless she went with Derek

I unlocked the door and went onto the bathroom I washed my face then took my shirt off and got out to get my sweatpants

I turned to Kailani's bed and saw Derek "the fuck?" I said to my self then tuned around to see Kailani sitting on my bed leaning on the wall

She looked so uncomfortable, I walked up to her and picked her up trying not to wake her up  and laid her down on my bed then went to put my sweats on

I don't know what bed to sleep on like I could sleep on my bed with her next to me or drop Derek to the floor and sleep on her bed

I went to move Derek "no bitch leave" he hit me across the face. I hit him back but not that hard so he wouldn't wake up.

I laid down on my bed because I gave up on Derek.

I kept my distance between Kailani facing her

"Did you mean what you told Sophia this morning?"

"No I didn't, can I got now?"


"Bruh I gotta go pee"

That kept replaying in my head, I don't know wether to actually believe her or not.

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