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Kailani's POV

"I thought you guys left?" Kairi said "no I wanna have fun, it's my first day back" I said

"Okay then" he said then walked away

"What if you bump into him again?" Mariano asked "we won't" I said

"We?" He chuckled "yes we, you gonna be with me, unless you wanna wonder off and I'll go find the girls" I smiled

"I'm fine" he said, I still held his hand for some reason, I mean he also didn't let go.

"Damn holding hands already? You really wanna make him jealous" Alvaro laughed "no" I let go of Mariano's hand

"It's fine I was just joking" he said then walked away after a while

"Where you wanna go?" He asked "let's go dance" I smiled

"You sure?" He asked "yea" I said then we went to dance

Mattia's POV

"Mattia you ex is back" Jenna stood infront of  me "she's not my ex but yea I know" I drank from my beer

"Have you seen who's she's dancing with" she said sitting on my lap facing me

"No" I said and she started to kiss my neck "good" she whispered

Then a couple seconds later I saw her, dancing with Mariano.

The way he held her hips, pissed me off "don't go" Jenna looked at me "get off" I said

"She's moved on Mattia, it's been ten months forget about her" she said grabbing my neck pulling me to her

"Fine" I said kissing her, we made out for some time

But I couldn't get my mind off Kailani

Kailani's POV

As we've been dancing for a long time now.

I saw Mattia making out with Jenna.

We made eye contact, then it seemed as if Jenna said something then they stood up at left.

"Everything alright?" Mariano asked and I nodded

"Actually,my feet hurt" I smiled

"Wanna go sit down?" He asked "yea" I smiled

"You don't have to sit with me, go dance, walk around, I don't know but you don't need to be here I'm fine" I said "you sure?" He asked

"Mhm" I nodded then he left after a couple seconds

I need to get used to all this, my feet hurt so bad I can take my heels no more.

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