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Next Morning

Kailani's POV

I woke up to a lot of noise coming from downstairs.

I got up and changed

I walked downstairs to see Sophia, Joey, Layla and kairi talking eating breakfast

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I walked downstairs to see Sophia, Joey, Layla and kairi talking eating breakfast

"Morning" I smiled hugging Layla "why do you love her so much?" Sophia smiled

"She's the cutest living thing" I said

"I mean she is a birlem so.." Joey chuckled "hello" I messed with his hair

It's crazy how he's only two years older than me but looks a lot older than his age.

"Is anyone coming today?" I asked looking at Kairi "everyone basically" he said taking a sip of orange juice

We had breakfast and got all the Christmas tree decorations out "the fact you guys still haven't put up your tree is sad" Joey laughed

"It's all kairi's fault" both of us said

"So your saying my short self can put this big tree up?" He smiled

"Uh yea" Sophia said then the door bell rang

I walked over to the door with Layla in my arms "hi!" She smiled showing off the one dimple she has

"She has a dimple" ale smiled "heyyyy bitch" avani smiled hugging me then poked the top of Layla's nose

"Long time no see" she took her from me "roshauna?" I laughed at he walked in with a red wig

"Uh yes? Here take this you human" he said giving me a bag, I laughed a little then snatched his wig of making his gasp

"How dare you?!" He laughed "ew" Layla laughed taking it off her after Alvaro put it on her

"Looks like we're have s'mores later" I smiled taking the bag to the kitchen

When I got back to the living room Mattia was there with his new girl by his side.

"Heard you've been wanting a dog?" Ale said "yep" I smiled helping Layla put a ornament on the tree

"Let's go to the animal shelter later" Joey said "hmm I don't know" I looked down "I'll go" Layla smiled

"Why are you always with her?" Sophia took her from me

"Because she likes me more?" I smiled watching Sophia shower Layla in kisses

I looked around and everyone was talking among themselves, then I made eye contact with Mattia.

"You guys fought didn't you?" Avani walked up to us

"Just a little argument" I looked down

"Little? Bitch you lying" kairi said "shut up, ima go get my wallet and we'll go to the animal shelter" I said looking at joey

I ran upstairs and came back down with everything "who's going? I asked "they are" Joey pointed at Mattia, Mattia's girlfriends and Alejandro.

"Don't forget about me!"Layla came running "okay then" I said after she wrapped herself around my leg

"I call going in the back with your child" I smiled opening the door of his car

I sat in the very back with Layla, in the middle row was Mattia and I thinks she said her name was Isabella

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I sat in the very back with Layla, in the middle row was Mattia and I thinks she said her name was Isabella . And ale sat in the passenger seat and well Joey was the one driving

The whole car ride was quite, well not really but for me it was.

Layla fell asleep, ale and Joey seemed to get to know a lot more of each other while Isabella had her head on Mattia's shoulder.


Sorry for the short chapter tho

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