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I didn't proofread this
so sorry for any errors 💕

Mattia's POV

I walked out side and saw her sitting on this stone type of thing.

I walked a little closer then heard small sniffles, "um Lani" I said as I sat down next to her not knowing what to do.

"Oh um hey" she smiled after wiping her eyes "is everything okay?" I asked for some reason very nervous.

My heart was racing, and the butterflies in my story were going crazy.

It's been 4 years and she's so fucking gorgeous.

I'm so stupid for not coming back.

"Yea everything's perfectly fine" she said looking down.

This is one thing that amazed me about her, and it's weird but when she's drunk and we talk it's like she isn't. I don't know how to explain this but I just like it because it's feels like she isn't drunk when she really is.

"Mattia....I know this is a stupid question and shit but why didn't you ever come back" she looked at me, her eyes red from crying.

"I-I don't know" I looked away before my heart broke seeing her like this.

"Lani we have to go back to the hotel" avani said coming up to us

"Where's ale?" She asked standing up "who are you asking?" Avani said looking at me then at Kailani.

"Who ever the fuck knows" she said "yo did you find her?" Alejandro walked up then walked slow once he saw me

I know he's mad, it's very noticeable.

But she loves me not him, so I have no worries.

"Let's go" Kailani said then grabbed his hand, "by Mattia" avani waved as the other two just walked away

"Hey can you give this to her she dropped it not that long ago inside" I said giving her the bracelet

"Yea no problem" she smiled "can I ask you something?" I said before she walked away

"Go ahead I don't have much time" she said, "did they ever get together?" I asked

"Ale and Lani? No they didn't but let's just say they are something like you and her were just that he hasn't left" she looked at me

"Wow okay" I said "it isn't our fault Mattia you left and had many chances to come back" she said

"I know" I looked down

"I have to go" she said then turned around and walked away.

It was late and many were leaving the wedding already.

Kairi and his wife left not that long ago along with the rest.

I was looking for Luna but couldn't find her, I was about to call her when I saw the message she sent me like and hour ago.

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