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I walked in and saw
Mattia in the living room

Kailani's POV

I looked away and went up to my room ignoring them.

"Kailani please open the door" I heard his voice from the other side of my door

"Please go" I said looking up at my ceiling, god how much I want his arms around he holding me tight, or his soft plumped lips on mine.

"I'm not leaving until you open this door Kailani let me explain" he said

"I can't" i said and waited for him to say something but there was nothing.

Until I heard light knocks on the door "Lani let me explain" I heard Sophia

"Explain what that he's the dad after you swore to me and so did he that he wasn't? You're lucky I haven't kicked you out and won't" i said opening the door.

"N-no it's just that-"

"Save it Sophia, you're having his kid" I closed the door and went to take a shower then changed into this

"Save it Sophia, you're having his kid" I closed the door and went to take a shower then changed into this

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I grabbed my phone and keys then went downstairs

"Where you going?" Ale asked "somewhere" I answered getting a water bottle

I got out the house and saw Mattia drinking a beer, I ignored eye contact with him and made my way to my car feeling his eyes burn on me.

I got in and drove to his house, "hey bitch" I smiled walking into his house

"Why are you here no to be rude or anything" Derek smiled

"I didn't want to be home" I said "hm okay then" he said and we watched a movie in the living room

The movie was getting boring and I could tell he was bored as well, I sat on his lap "woah" he smiled putting his hands on my waste

"I need this" I whispered and soon our lips touched "Lani" he whispered and I felt him grow I smiled in between the kiss,

He picked me up and walked to his room "is roshaun here?" I asked "no he went over to his mom's for the night" he smiled laying me on his bed

He connected out lips once again and he slowly made his way down to my neck leaving a couple hickeys along the way.

I little moan escaped my mouth once he found my sweet spot, "Derek I need you now" I whispered pulling his shirt off

He pulled down his sweats leaving like in boxers only, he went back and kissed me slowly pulling my hoodie off

"Derek" I said and he took a condom out

(Yo I'm sorry, but I can't do these😂lemme know if y'all want me to actually write what they did😂)

"Damn" he laid down next to me breathing for air "my legs hurt" I said looking up at the ceiling

We cuddled and I fell asleep on his chest

~~~~ Next Morning ~~~~

Mattia's POV

"Sophia please tell me if it true, like you're not lying to me" I looked at her

"I'm not lying Mattia you the dad" she said "but how?" I said

"Mattia we're heading over to Derek's house come on" ale said and we left the house.

"Why's her car here?" Kairi asked "she probably came and fucked him watch" I rolled my eyes "Mattia shut up, she wouldn't do that" they both said

"I'm not kidding" I said then we walked tot he front door

"Aye wassup" he opened the door "hey" I said walking in

"What did I say, look at her" I said annoyed walking back out the house

And the guys just stood there, and I heard her call me name

"Mattia wait!" She yelled grabbing onto my arm "go back to him" I pushed her hand off me

"No please Mattia-"

"I- just go" I said looking at her eyes, I love this girl more than anything and this is what she does

"Please don't leave" her eyes got watery "to bad I have to go with the girl who's carrying my child" I said and she looked at me

I know this is going to hurt her.

Kailani's POV

I froze once he said that.

I felt my heart shatter into a millions of pieces, this is all my fault.

I love him, and i don't want him to leave, I'm mad at that fact he said it's his child, I want to be with him, just me and him.

"I'm sorry" he whispered walking away with a couple tears running down his face

"No" I whispered and broke down.

I ran back inside for my keys and drove to his house

I knocked on the door and there was no answer "Mattia please!" I cried and he opened the door

As soon as he opened it I wrapped my arms around him "don't let go" I cried and he hugged me tight "I have too" he whispered

"No you don't Mattia, we'll figure it out" I looked at him

"The paper says it, I'm the father" he looked down "I think it's for the best if we just-"

"move on" I finished his sentence and he looked up at me

"I'm sorry" he said "I-I understand" my voice cracked

"Fuck Kailani" he said grabbing my face resting his hand on my jaw, then kissed me.

"I need to go" I whipped my tears and walked out his house hoping he would come after me.

But there was nothing, I got in my car and drove with tears rolling nonstop,

I could barley see the road clearly.

This was hard to write😔

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