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"That's not what she said, and you heard her" I said laying down.

Kailani's POV

"I know I heard her, but when did I agree?" He stood up

"With your silence and looks" I said turning my laptop on

"I wasn't going say anything, that would've just embarrassed her" he said walking to the bathroom

I didn't say anything back, I just watched Netflix because I wasn't tired no more.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked walking out the bathroom, he was wearing grey sweatpants and was shirtless, with his hair wet.

"I'm not tired" I said looking away.

"What you watching?"

"All American, wanna watch?" I asked and he nodded.

I moved to the side, and let him lay next to me.

After like 30 minutes, he put his arm around me pulling me close to him, then left his hand by my lower waist.

"Kairi told me why your leaving" he said

"Okay" I said

"Please don't go" he said

"I have too" I laid my head on him

"No you don't, you could lie to your father, tell him your going to the collage near wherever he lives but you still are going to be here" he said moving a bit, which made me sit up

"Mattia you don't get it, I'm moving to a whole other state"

"The fuck, your dad just came from a whole other state and argued with your mom, and now because of that you have to go with him" he said

"It's complicated" I sighed

"No it's not" he looked at me

"If you were in the position I'm in you would know how complicated it is" I said

"I just don't want you to leave" he said making butterflies appear.

"That's funny" I looked away "no, it's not, I don't want you to leave and I'm being deadass" he sat up

"Mhm" I rolled my eyes

Mattia's POV

"Kailani" I said and she turned to face me

Why is she so beautiful, I don't know but these red lights just make me feel different.

I don't want her to leave, I have 2 weeks with her here before she's gone, I want her and only her

"Wha-" I cut her off my kissing her soft lips

She kissed back this time, she moved onto my lap not breaking the kiss.

Kailani's POV

I pulled him closer by the neck, god I want him so bad right now.

At this point I don't care if that girl is or is not his girlfriend, I want him.

He ran his up my thighs onto me waist pulling my boy close to his.

I gasped once I felt his hands squeeze my bum, giving him the chance to slip his tongue in.

And there we were making out for a while, until we started to down onto my neck

"Mattia" I let a little moan escape my mouth, his hands running up from under my shirt made chills go down my spine

He took my shirt off then flipped us over, he connected our lips once again, god I don't want this moment to end.

I kissed his neck leaving dark hickeys.

Mattia's pov

"Fuck" I whispered rolling my eyes, I reached over to my phone

"Hey what's up?" I said answering Mariano's call

"Burning what?" I said and Kailani kept leaving hickeys on my neck

"I'll be there right now" I said hanging up "what's wrong?" Kailani asked

"She's burning my things, and I don't know why, she's probably mad" I said pecking her lips

"Please don't leave" she said pulling me down "I have too, I'll be back tomorrow in the morning" I said

I really don't want to leave but most of my important things are there and I don't want her do to anything.

"Okay" she kissed me one more time

"Make sure she doesn't see those or she'll get more mad" she smiled "I'll make sure she sees them" I winked at her then left the dorms

I probably won't be
posting this weekend, so I'm sorry :(

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