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"Nah it's fine" he said

Kailani's POV
My mom called me right after Mattia said that

Birth giver💕🌹🥰: hey mija

Mi preciosa👑💕: hola mama

Birth giver💕🌹🥰: is there any news about Sophia?

Mi preciosa👑💕: the results are coming in tomorrow, and after we pick them up Kairi, Sophia and I are heading over there

Birth giver💕🌹🥰: ok esta bien nomas quería saber (ok that fine I just wanted to know)

Mi preciosa👑💕: mi teléfono no tiene mucha batería te habló mañana (my phone doesn't have that much battery all call you tomorrow)

Birth giver💕🌹🥰: ok bye mija love you

Mi preciosa👑💕: bye love you mamá

"Mattia wanna come get coffee with me?" I asked putting my phone to charge "yea sure" he smiled and we left to his car

"Mattia wanna come get coffee with me?" I asked putting my phone to charge "yea sure" he smiled and we left to his car

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"Where you do you want to go?" He asked driving "hmm idk you pick" I smiled "okay then" he smiled

"I've heard the coffee here is amazing" I smiled as we got out the car "it is" he smiled opening the door for me "thanks" I smiled

"Will that be all?" The dude asked "yes" we both said in sync "your total will be $15.68" he smiled looking at me

"I'm paying" Mattia spoke "Um how the fuck let you" I said taking the card out his hand and put it in my pocket

"Wow" he smiled and I paid with my card "let's go sit down" I smiled then gave him his card back

"That wasn't very nice" he said "you drove here I paid" I smiled "and?" He smiled "I don't care" I looked away

A girl came and gave us our drinks "here you go" she smiled looking at Mattia the whole time

"Looks like someone's mad" he chuckled after she left "w-hat Who?" I smiled "don't play dumb you were mad" he smiled "whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully

"So you were?" He said "not really" I looked down "but you were" he chuckled "okay yes I was jeez" I laughed and saw jennas brother walk into the coffee shop

"I think we should go Mattia" I said "yea su-"

"Kailani how you been?" He asked walking up to my "and you have the audacity to ask fuck off adrian" I pushed him

"Excuse you" he grabbed my arm "let her go" Mattia said

Pulling his arm away from me "or what?" He smiled

"Mattia let's go" I grabbed his arm "I don't think your brother would approve him" he said "how would your dumb looking Humpty Dumpty ass know that?" I said knowing it would get him mad

He stayed quiet "exactly...oh and did you ever get with Ziumara?" I smiled "fuck off" he said "okay we can go now" I grabbed Mattia's hand

"Who's ziumara?" He asked as I let go once we were out the coffee shop "my brothers girl, Adrian like her and well when my brother got with her he was all mad and shit...that he even killed my brother for her and she never got with him" I said

"Oh I'm sorry" he said looking at me as we got in his car "it's fine" I smiled

We talked the whole car ride back to the hotel about random things

"Where were you?!" Avani yelled as we got to our dorm "we went to Antarctica for coffee" I smiled "haha very funny Derek was looking for you Kailani " she said

"Why?" Mattia asked "I don't know he did say, and you would care because?" She said "just asking" he said then she left

"Oh shit" I smiled seeing his missed calls and texts "I'll be back" I smiled and left to meet up with Derek

"What did you want?" I said walking in the dorm "did you hear about Mattia?" He said "that he broke up with Jenna yea I heard that" I smiled laying on his bed and he went to the bathroom

"No not that" he said walking out with a shirt in hand then put it on

"That what?" I smiled scrolling through my phone "he's the baby daddy" he said

"No he's not? How do you know that" I smiled putting my phone down

"He told me" he said "shut up I know you're lying" I smiled punching his arm

"I'm not lying" he said serious

"Awww it's okay don't be sad" I smiled looking at him "who said I'm sad" he chuckled

"Look your telling me Mattia is the dad so I get mad an him or stop talking to him, then you can make a move or sum" I smiled

"That is not true" he laughed "really because it sounds like the truth" I sat up

"You making the wrong choice either way" he smiled "whatever is that all you wanted?" I smiled as he sat up

"Nah" he said then kissed me "okay that is I'm leaving" I punched him off lightly

"Bye Lani" he said "bye Derek" I smiled then left

I got back to the dorm and Mattia wasn't there.

"Sup Kai" I smiled slamming the door open "what the fuck was that for" ale said looking up from his

"You always do that when you come to my dorm" I smiled "so after we get the results we head home or until after" Kairi asked

"Yea basically because we have class, and they said they would be ready but 12:30 so yea" I smiled

"I still can't with the fact that you guys are siblings" ale said

"I can't either" both of us said

"Has Mattia told you" kairi said " told me about what?" I said

"That he left Jenna for you" he smiled "no he didn't" I said "well that's why" ale said "oh um okay then" I looked away

"Has there ever been a time when he was about to tell you something then doesn't tell you that's cuz he's nervous" kairi said

"Well I mean he has but all those times ale came running into the room" I smiled and ale let out a little chuckle

"Ima head back now bye guys" I smiled standing up and heading back to the dorm.


Hey guys idk who the baby daddy should be😂 any help??

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