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Hello luvs

Mattia's POV

"Bout time" kairi said opening the door for me "sorry I went to my moms" I said

"Did she yell at you?" He smiled "what do you think?" I looked at him then he let me in the house, "why'd you go dumbass?" He said and I placed my bag in the couch.

"Because I needed her help on the divorce things" I said "your divorcing?" He said looking at me confused "Nah I'm just kidding obviously I'm divorcing she's carrying Alejandro's kid and I just can't be with someone I don't love" I rolled my eyes

"Then why'd you marry her if you didn't love her?" He asked "because...bitch I already told you shut the fuck up" I said and he laughed

"Well ima get going, ima just go tell her...um wanna come so she like knows your here and doesn't freak out when she sees you" he stood up

"yea sure" I took a deep breath and followed him upstairs.

We walked into Mateo's room and saw her sitting down playing with him.

"Um I need to get going but he's going to stay here, but if you guys need anything just call me" kairi said

She looked at me then smiled, "yea that's fine, you'll come back tomorrow right?" She looked at him "I don't know maybe I'll stop by but I'm not sure" kairi said and she stood up

"Alright then bye" she said then they hugged and he walked out.

"Come play with us" Mateo said patting the spot next to him "baby I need to give you a shower it's getting late" Kailani looked at him and walked out and I heard the water running

"We can play tomorrow" I smiled "but then your gonna leave and be with sea world" he said "Mateo why do you call— you know what never mind but soon sea world is going to be gone" I said and he smiled

"Really?!" He said "yes" I smiled and he hugged me Lani walked into the room and smiled and she saw him hugging me "let's go baby"

Mateo let go and went to her. I helped pick up the toys that were all over the floor.

"You didn't have to do that you know" she said walking into the room after a couple minutes, "it's fine I mean I have nothing to do either way" I smiled and we locked eye contact.

"Momma! I'm done!" We heard Mateo yell then she let out a small laugh "I'll be right over there in second!" She said loud enough.

She grabbed his clothes from the drawers and walked out.

I went downstairs and grabbed some water.

Kailani's POV

"Did you know sea world is going be be gone?" Mateo said as I helped him change

"Sea world?" I looked at him confused "oh never mind" he shook his head.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" He asked "baby I need to shower and by the time I'm done it's going to be late and you need to be asleep by now" I picked him up.

"When you done can you go with me even though I'll be asleep?"

"I will" I kissed his cheek as we walked into his room "where's Mattia?" He asked  "I think he's downstairs why?" I farrowed my eyebrow

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