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💕I can't believe this book is at 713k reads like y'all make me so damn happy I can't thank you guys enough💕

Kairi's POV

It's been a couple minutes since Mattia left and now Kailani and me are on our way to pick up mateos from Joey's.

"Who is he?" She broke the awkward silence between us, "what do you mean by who is he? Like what he was to you? What's his name? Be more specific" I looked at her quickly

"His name" she said

"Mattia...Mattia Polibio, name ring a bell?" I said stopping that a red light, she stayed quiet.

"No" she sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to hear what happened earlier" I said as I drove "no don't be sorry..it's fine lowkey found out some things" she laughed a little

"Yea well let me tell you you guys are complicated" I chuckled and she smiled shaking her head then looked out the window.


"Momma!" Mateo yelled running out the house

"Hey Baby" she smiled picking him up showering him with kisses.


"She remembers him, along with you ale and avani" I said walking over to Joey

"Has she seen Mattia yet?"

"Yep just a couple minutes ago" I looked down "and you told him right?"

"Hey jojo" Kailani said and they hugged and I just nodded

"He also knows that Luna cheated on him and is carrying Alejandro's child"

"Come on momma" Mateo grabbed Kailani's had and they both walked inside as Joey and I stayed outside.

"But that motherfucker didn't want to believe me"he chuckled looking up at the sky.

"I mean we tried warning him many times before they got married, even Lani did but he still married that bitch" I shook my head

"What did he do? You know after you told him" he looked at me

"He got mad, then broke down while yelling at me, looked stressed as fuck, then stayed on the floor with his knees covering his face, blaming himself for everything, he was a wreck dude" I said

"You know I still have faith in them" Joey said after a while of talking "if they don't end up together some how I'm jumping off a bridge because we did not so shit for no reason" I laughed

"True this bitch fucking cut us off and we still tried...what a bitch" he said with this face 😔 then chuckled

"Wait till he find out we hid Alejandro's secret from him that idiot is gonna cut us off again" I said and he laughed

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