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At the party

Kailani's POV

"So you gon get faded tonight?" Sophia asked as Avani and I walked into the kitchen.

"Sadly no" I grabbed a cup and filled it up with vodka "what? why?" She basically spilt her drink all over the place.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning" I rolled my eye playfully "ohhhh right I forgot" she smiled and Alejandro walked in with Katie

"Have you seen the boys?" He asked getting a beer "nope" Avani smiled popping the "p"

"Alright ima go look for them" he smiled then left leaving Katie with us

"Let's go wonder around" Sophia suggested "come on" avani grabbed my hand "I'm going to the restroom I'll meet you guys by the lil bonfire outside" I smiled then they left

"Watch where your going!" Some boy I was pushed into yelled at me "jeez sorry" I looked down lowkey mad

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" Mattia grabbed my arm "it's fine" I said as he let go of me and I walked away.

All the doors where closed and it was hard looking for a restroom.

At this point I was opening doors I did care what was going on in the room I just needed a bathroom.

Some were locked and others weren't.

Then I came across this door.

I heard a familiar voice as I opened the door.

I didn't want to believe my eyes "Kailani!" He shouted and I slammed the door shut and walked in the room next to it. Which was a bathroom.

He literally got me to fall for him, he said he was going to make me his and wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

Everyone said that he felt different about me, that there was something special, and he didn't want to lose me.

I stayed away from Mattia for him but he's over here shoving his dick up in a girl.

Tears were running down my face. I wiped them off and did what I came to the bathroom for and looked myself in the mirror, my make up was all ruined.

I wiped it off and there were knocks on the door.

"Kailani it's not what it looks like please let me explain" Kairi knocked on the door

"Fuck off kairi!" I yelled "please" he said "no...leave me alone" I slid down to the floor and cried

"I'm sorry" he said "sorry won't fix anything now fuck off" I said and sat there for a couple more minutes

After 10 or less minutes there was another knock on the door I wiped my tears and opened the door "we're you crying?" Quinton asked "no" I looked down

"Lani what happened?" He stepped back so I could walk out "I'm not in the mood to talk about it" I said

"Well if you need anything I'm here after everything I wanna change for the better" he smiled "good luck on that" I smiled and he chuckled

"I need to go" I smiled and then walked away

"Where the fuck were you? And what the hell happened to your make up?" Sophia asked and I walked up to them and the guys, luckily kairi wasn't there

"were you crying?" Mattia asked and everyone's eyes went on me

"I'm going back to the dorms" I said changing the subject

"We just got her like 20 minutes ago" avani said "well I'm leaving" I smiled

"Kailani" we heard Kairi say and everyone looked at him except me

"I told you to leave me alone" I said turning around to face him "please let me explain" he said and everyone looked confused

"There's nothing for you to explain" I said "please" his eyes started to get watery

"Fuck off" I grabbed Mattia's cup from his hand and spilt it on him.

I left the party right after I did that "wait who's taking me back?" Avani ran after me "Sophia" I said as I got in my car

She nodded then went back inside

Mattia's POV

That was my mothafucking drink, what the hell did I do for her to just take it and do that shit

"What happened" roshaun asked "I-I was with Celia" he looked down "and she got mad at you for that?" Derek said

"No" he said "then why?" We all said

"You were fucking" Alejandro said and everyone's eyes were on him "the fuck is wrong with you kai?" We basically all said

"I'm sorry" he ran his hand through his hair "sorry won't fix anything" I said leaving the party and tried to find Kailani

Kailani's POV

I was walking down to my dorm when I heard Mattia call my name

"What?" I turned around and almost bumped into him "oh" I said backing up a little

"What happened?" He asked "I feel like you know already" I looked in his eyes that sparkled

"I do but not exactly what happened" he smiled "I wanted to go to the bathroom, all the fucking doors were closed and when I opened the door to a room I saw him with her buttass naked" I said as my eyes got a little watery

Mattia's POV

"Mattia I loved him" a tear dropped


"Oh" I looked down, she like him bruh.

"And the thing is I stayed away from you for him, he didn't want me near nor talk to you, because supposedly he love me" she looked up at me

My heart skipped a beat when she said that.

She wanted to be with me....


Haiiiiiiii guys what are your thoughts on the book???

I really want to know and read your comments so don't me shy and comment please🥰

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