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I didn't spell check....like always
anyways, enjoy😏

• Wedding Day •

Mattia's POV

"You look good shut the fuck up" Mateo said

"Mateo really?" I smiled looking at him and he giggled "he's right, you look good and stop fucking worrying stupid" kairi said sitting down next to Mateo

"I'm so nervous" I look at him.

"Mattia it's all going to be fine" kairi said "this shit doesn't seem real" I looked at him

"Mattia how many damn times are we going to tell you everything is fine stop fucking stressing" Kairi said.

They both walked out the room and I stayed alone.

This feels crazy. Everything going on right now, just in a couple hours I'll be married to my real love.

All the guys know how scared I was to love again.

But when I saw her, it felt like time stopped. It was just us two in the moment, I had this feeling in me but I was too scared.

I hadn't felt that way in a while, so in order for me to get her off my mind I went around with other girls, causing her pain, I hoped it would make her hate me

Hate me with passion, so we could ignore each other forever. But it didn't go that way.

Not at all. And everyday it kept getting worse, this feeling in me. After a while I knew I fell in love with her.

Her smile, laugh, eyes, just her being present made my stomach explode with butterflies.

We may have a rough past, but we still got through it.

And now, I'm getting married with her and have two beautiful and amazing kids.

Then after a while we finished getting ready and drove to the church.

Kailani's POV

I finished eating breakfast with the girls not that long ago.

Now I'm in my room getting my hair and makeup done while they are all in a different room.

I can't believe today is the day.

I'm finally getting married to the love off my life, the man I never thought I would be marrying.

There's a lot of emotions going on I can't even think straight.

"Just take deep breath's beautiful" the woman who was doing my hair said "I'm just so nervous" I smiled playing with my fingers

"You remind me of my daughter when she got married, nervous as hell I can't even explain" she let out a small laugh

After a while of talking and then finishing my hair they left.

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