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Hey luvs, I know I said I was going to update on Wednesday but my phone service was not working and Wattpad wouldn't save the drafts so yea.


"There was traffic" I said

Mattia's POV

"Whatever I need your help" he said closing the door behind us, "help in what?" I looked at him concerned.

"Come sit" he said and I followed him into the kitchen "Layla can you go to your room" he said and when she looked at me her eyes went wide.

She looks a lot older than the last time I saw her, "is...is that Matt-"

"Yes it's him" Joey sighed

"Hey" I smiled "I missed you" she jumped off the chair and ran to hug me, "I missed you too" I smiled hugging her back

"It's been so long, I thought you weren't going to come back ever again" she looked up at me "well I'm back now" I said

"Layla" Joey said "okay dad" she said then grabbed her things and went upstairs.

"So" I asked sitting down

"I need you to go with lani somewhere"  he said "why me?" I looked at him.

He looked at me and it seemed as if he was debating wether to tell me something.

"She reached out to one of our old friends...and he's part of a mafia" he said

"First off why did she reach out to him?, and why am I the one that has to go?" I said putting the cup of water down.

"She didn't tell me and I can't go with her and you are like the right person to go with her" he said after a while.

"Why?" I said, "why what?" He looked confused

"Why am I the right person?" I asked "you'll find out, I just need you to go with her, that way they won't do nothing even though I doubt they'll wanna do something to her" he said standing

"So I'm basically going to be her bodyguard?" I looked at him "something like that, but once you leave that place I'm pretty sure she's gonna go somewhere else" he said

"So are you gonna go?" He said after a while.

I stayed quiet.

He's an old friend I doubt he's going to do anything to her, but you never know.

Why would I have to go with her to the somewhere else, does he know something and isn't telling me?

"I don't know if I can Joey, Luna and I planning the wedding" I said

"You don't even love her" he said, "I seen the way you looked at Lani on kairi's wedding day, you clearly still have feeling for her deep inside" he said

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