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Mattia's POV

"I don't know man, if Jenna see's me with her she's going to get mad" I said

"Fuck that bitch, Mattia what the hell happened to you two?" Kairi said

"I don't know kai, but I'm not going to talk to her" I said drinking from my beer "just go, she's somewhere around here alone we don't know what can happen to her" he said

"Then you go get her, that's her problem not mine, she left and you told her to not go" I rolled me eyes

"Mattia Jenna is probably sucking some dude off right now while you're sitting here" he stood in front of me.

"She wouldn't do that, we're taking things serious now" I looked around

"Just go find her and talk things out, everyone is confused man, ten months ago you guys were literally in love and now it's like that never happened" he sat down "if I go will you shut the fuck up?" I asked

"Yes" he smiled and I stood up and went to find her

I walked around for about 30 minutes and couldn't find her anywhere.

Kailani's POV

I didn't want to be there no more, so I went to my car and sat there.

Then all of a sudden I broke down.

I miss what we had, but he's with Jenna now.

And she makes him happy, and that makes me feel some type of way. I don't know it makes me mad, sad and happy at the same time.

I'm scared of what's going to happen, I'm slowly losing him, and who knows maybe one day he'll purpose to her.

No, that's not going to happen, but what if it does?

I won't see him again, he'll start a new family, and I'll be alone.

He's moved on, and that's good don't get me wrong but I wish I still had him.

I wish we still shared the same dorm, his smile after he'd do something stupid was so adorable it made butterflies travel around my body.

The way he wrapped his arm around me when he would come back drunk and wanted to cuddle

What the fuck am I thinking? He's moved on get over him Lani

I laid my head back on the seat and looked in the mirror, my make up all ruined, and my hair slightly a mess.

I grabbed a makeup wipe and took off my makeup then fixed my hair a bit.

I checked my phone and I been her thinking about that fucking dinosaur for 45 minutes, how nice.

I took a deep breath and stepped out the car, as soon as I closed the door I saw him walk out.

"Hey, where'd you go?" He smiled a little "uh I wanted some fresh air" I smiled "for 45  minutes?" He asked looked at me

"Yep" I looked down so we wouldn't make eye contact

"Is everything okay?" He asked "yea everything is perfectly fine" I smiled looking at him

"You sure? You can tell me anything, what's bothering you?" He said and I bit my cheek from stopping my eyes from filling up with tears

"I'm fine Mattia, thank you for worrying" I managed to say

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