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Next Morning 

Mattia's POV

I alarm went off waking me up, I stood up and went over to the bathroom.

I played some music as I showered, then changed into light washed jeans and a white shirt.

Roshaun knocked on my door.

"You ready?" He asked "I'm putting my shoes on" I looked at him "well you have 15 minutes" he said then I grabbed the phone and keys, then we left the dorm.

"You're supposed to be here too?" I asked as we walked to the main office.

"Yea" I nodded

"I'm nervous" I admitted "well all we can do is hope you don't get expelled" he said then we walked into the main office "are you two the boys that are supposed to be here at 7:35?" The lady at the front desk asked

"Yes" Roshaun answered, "over there" she smiled pointing at the little office room

"Morning boys" the lady from yesterday said

"Morning" Roshaun and I said sitting down

She talked to Roshaun and his punishment was to do a 5 page essay explaining why he hurt Mariano.

"You can leave, I need to talk to Mattia alone" she said, "see you later bruh" he said dapping me up and I just nodded Then he left.

"Mattia what were you thinking?" She said

"Let me guess, I'm getting suspended?" I rolled my eyes

"Expelled, you're getting expelled Polibio" she said looking up at me

"What? Just because I beat him up! Come on he raped my..my girlfriend!" I said

"don't yell Mattia I'm right in front of you" she said making me more mad

"You broke his jaw, nose, brow bone, and busted his lips open" she said

"and? He rapped someone" I said

"I know Mattia, how exactly did it happen?" She asked

"So my room at left for ten months, she came back and got with him because of issues that happened between us, then she became my roommate again and our friendship got back to normal, I didn't know he raped her until last night when I called my friend, who's her stepbrother and well that's when she said he raped her" I said

"Oh my and how long ago was this going on?" She asked

"I don't know she never got to say, I hung up after she told me because I got really mad" I said

"Well we'll take care of him, but you need to be out by Wednesday" she said

"You really going to expel me? He raped her!" I said standing up "like I said Mattia we will take care of that and there's nothing you can do about it" she said

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