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⚠️important message at the end⚠️

Kailani's POV

"Ethan h-hey" Avani smiled "long time no see you guys" he smiled and hugged us both

"I wonder why?" I laughed "Ethan?"

"Yo Quinton!" He smiled and they dabbed each other up "you look different avani..did you dye your hair" Ethan asked and Quinton placed his hand on my lower back

"No..just changed my style up a bit" she blushed "you look cute hopefully you don't have a boyfriend so I won't get beat up" he laughed and we joined him 

"I'm going to go get a drink" I smiled and jack walked away with Quinton.

"What the hell!" I yelled as I felt someone pull be into this room

"You scared the living shit out of me" I smiled as I was pinned to the wall

"What the hell" Mattia said "what do you mean what the hell?" I smiled

"His hand was literally about to touch your fucking ass" he said in this voice it was just hot

"And?" I laughed "get you hands off me dinosaur" I looted at him in the eyes

"Why did you stop him?" He said letting me go

"Why are you fucking jealous if I already told you I won't go back to him" I said rolling my eyes

"I just-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his

He kissed back placing his hand on my waist soon picking me up.

I gasped at the movement he laid me down on the bed and hovered over me

"Mattia" I whispered "hm" he said kissing my neck "I can't" I said

"Why" he went back to kissing my lips

"It that time of the month" I pulled away "damn" he said "but that won't stop me from sucking you" I smiled

"Horny much" he smirked "says the one that pulled me into the room" I laughed "you're right" he rolled his eyes

"Woah there!" Avani shouted Slamming the door shut "let's go I'm not in the mood no more" Mattia said

He helped me up and we went back outside "where's Kairi I haven't seen him in a while?" I said as we got some drinks

"Last time I said him he took some girl to a room" he laughed "have y'all seen anything?" I asked Jack and Quinton

"They've been talking for a while after you left to god knows where" Jack laughed

"Who?" Mattia asked "avani and Ethan...he's Sophia's ex" I explained and he nodded

~~~~~ 3 hours later ~~~~~

I don't feel my feet at all.

"Mattia me fucking feet hurt" I whined then he picked me up bridal style

"Then don't wear heels next time" he chuckled

We got to the dorm and wore black playboy bunny sweatpants and a top that matched.

"Come lay with me" Mattia patted the spot next to him.

I put my phone to charge and laid down next to him "night Lani" he said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him

"Night Mattia" I whispered and fell asleep while he played with my hair.


Sorry for the short chapter :( I've been working on this new book that I wanna drop soon!!

So comment who you guys want the book to be about, like a main person then you can name other people you want in the book yk😂

Please help me out I'm kinda struggling lmao...

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