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⚠️The story isn't over yet!!!! And won't be anytime soon!!! Also I did not proofread this lmao!!⚠️

One week later

Kailani's POV

"I don't know, maybe it's because I didn't take everything so well" I rubbed my temples

"Lani I don't think it's because of that" Sophia stood up from the bed

"You've been like this for 3 or more days, I say we go to the doctor" avani said laying next to me

"I'm fine I'll be all good by tomorrow or the day after" I smiled and they had serious looks on their face

"Bruh" I rolled my eyes "okay change of subject, have you talked to Mattia after he left?" Avani asked

"No and I'm not planning on talking to him, there's no point, plus everyone thinks he got a new number because he won't answer like it send us to that voicemail you know" I said

"Damn, has he tried calling you?" Sophia said "nope, I haven't got a call from any unknown number this past week" I said looking down.

"Lani!" I heard her little voice come if down the hall "hey cutie" I smiled as she jumped on the bed "how the fuck did you get in my house?" Sophia asked looking at Joey

"I have a spare key dumbass" he smiled then walked over to me

"Heard you're sick" he said kissing my head "just a little" I said looking at Layla

"Guess what?!" She smiled "did you do something bad?" I asked laughing a little

"Uh no...but daddy bought a house" she smiled and I looked at Joey

"For real?" I asked and he nodded with a smile

"Where's the sick dumbass?!" I heard kairi yell

"She's in here stupid" Derek said then the boys walked in.

"Hey" kairi smiled and gave me a side hug then all the boys gave me a hug one buy one.

After a couple minutes of them asking questions I got annoyed

"Alrighty this is getting annoying" I stood up from the bed.

Some of the boys walked out into the living room and the rest were slowly making there way out the room

"I'm going to shower" I looked over at Sophia, "if you need anything just yell my name or some shit" she smiled then walked out the room.

Mattia's POV

"Mattia please come out your room and eat something" my dad said on the other side of my room door.

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled then ran my hand through my hair

"Mattia it's been 3 days, and you haven't been out your room for anything" he said and I took a deep breath.

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