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Mattia's POV

I can't believe she never told me, like I understand but she knows I'm here for her.

I left the dorm and went to the party Mariano was at.

I don't know wether to beat him up till he dies or just kill him, either way ima going to get kicked out of this college if I kill him.

"Aye I thought you didn't want to come?" Roshaun said once I got to the frat house

"I didn't but I'm going to beat Mariano up" I said looking around, " hold up, why?" He said with wide eyes

"He.. he raped Lani" I looked as him and he covered his mouth with his hand

"I'll help you out man" he said patting my back "alright ima go look for him" I said then we went separate ways.

After a couple minutes of looking for him upstairs I heard a lot of chanting downstairs.

As I got through the crowd I saw roshaun punching Mariano.

Mariano's face all bloody and purple, "fuck you want?" He chuckled as roshaun walked away and I stood in front of him

"I want you to shut the hell up" I said then punched his face knocking him out the ground

"Fuck did I do?" He smiled as he stubbled to get up, "you should know!" I raised my voice pushing him back to the ground

I started to punching him and after what seemed a long time the guys took me of him "Mattia Polibio, main office!" Some lady yelled and everyone basically walked and jogged away except ale and Roshaun.

"It's deadass 10:45, it's closed" I said looking at her

"7:35 tomorrow morning, you better be there" she said then walked away.

"7:35 my ass" I rolled my eyes after she left

"Dude what are you going to do?" Ale asked "nothing, I have to go or else it's going to be worse" I said wiping the blood off my nose.

"Lets just hope you don't get expelled" roshaun chuckled holding an ice pack by his face, "that would be two years and a half right?" Ale said tilting his head a little to the side

"Yea, basically all the time we have left in collage" I said looking down

"Wait then wouldn't-"

"That means I would have to go live in Italy!" I said running my hand through my hair

"Shit that's not good huh?" Roshaun looked up at me 

"It's not good at all" I said

Kailani's POV

"Hey ma, hey David" I smiled walking into the house

"Hey sweetie" they both said then hugged me "and Kai?" She asked "we had McDonald's then talked for a while, and he said he wanted to walk here" I said

"Right I forgot about the accident" David nodded "yea, anyways I'm really tired do you have any blankets?" I asked

"Yea, I mean you can stay in the guest room, there's enough rooms so none of you will stay in the living room" my mom smiled

"No it's fine I feel like sleeping in the living room for some reason" I laughed a little

"Okay, oh my what happened?" She said holding my face "huh?" I said confused

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