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Kailani's POV

I sighed in relief after I realize I read the thing wrong.

Not that I don't want to be a mom, because I really do, but I don't think right now is the time.

I threw both of the tests away and took a shower, then changed into leggings and a hoodie.

"Bitch you actually took them?" Avani came into the room after I sent her a message.

"Yea and they came out negative but I thought they were positive until I read the little paper again" I said then she laid next to me.

"Well I mean it's been a week I don't think you know your pregnant until two weeks after you...let's use the professional word, conceived the baby" she said making me laughed

"But I don't know you should ask Robert" she said

"Robert?" I laughed looking at her

"He's the one that knew Sophia's baby wasn't Mattia's, and also some other stuff, but he knows a lot about pregnancy stuff" she said and I put on my slides

"Where you going?" She asked, "to Robert" I answered then walked out and she followed closing the door behind her.

"Aloe open the door!" I said knocking on their door multiple times.

"Calm down" he said letting us in, "what do you need?" Robert asked "we need to know if she's pregnant or not" avani said making no sense at all

"Huh?" He looked at me

"I took a pregnancy test and a came out negative, it's been a week since yea" I said

"Who was it?" He asked, "first off what does that have to do with all this, doesn't matter who it was it won't make a difference" I sad

"Obviously it had to be Mattia" Alvaro said, "yea it was" avani said nodding her head

"How the fuck you know?" I looked at her concerned

"You just know" both her and Alvaro said, "they're right, and it's just because of how two times were" Robert said

"Anyways should I know I'm pregnant by now?" I asked, "no, the tests it's accurate, wait another week then take another test and it will be accurate" he said and I nodded

"How do you know all this?" Avani spoke for me

"Many members of my family are part of the medicine field so I just grew up knowing many things" he said "oh okay" I laughed a little

"Well ima go now" I said after a couple minutes.

"Alright, if you need anything we're here"they said then avani and I walked back to my dorm

"It looks so empty" avani said walking around looking at what used to be Mattia's side of the room

"Hmm I wonder, maybe because it is" I said and she rolled her eyes

"Didn't you give this to him last Christmas?" She holding up the cologne I bought him.

"Yes" I sat up and she handed me the cologne.

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