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One week later

Kailani's POV

I woke up to Mattia laying next to me, he came back to the dorm drunk as hell, and crying.

I stood up and took a shower then changed into this

"Morning" Mattia said walking into the bathroom as I dried my hair, "morning" I smiled feeling his hands snake around my waist

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"Morning" Mattia said walking into the bathroom as I dried my hair, "morning" I smiled feeling his hands snake around my waist

"Please don't leave" he whispered resting his head on my shoulder

"We have class, I gotta go" I laughed a little

"No, I meant don't leave this college" he said and his hot breath hit my neck.

"Mattia I have a whole week left here, and can you please stop saying that, I can't do anything about it and the more you bring it up the more shit I think about" I said turning around to face him

"I just want to enjoy this week without having to think about it you know" I smiled cupping his face with my hands

"Okay" he said leaning in for a kiss "you smell like alcohol" I said

"I know, plus I have the worst headache" he chucked

"Well I got class in 10 minutes, see you after" I said grabbing my backpack

~~~~ Right before class ends ~~~~

"Kailani, there's someone outside that wants to talk with you" the teacher said and I got confused

"Okay" I smiled and grabbed my things since we had the 3 minutes left of class

"Dad?" I said as I walked out

"Are all your things ready?" He asked "yes they are basically almost arriving over there, why?...what are you doing here?" I said

"We're leaving today" he said and I saw Mattia turn the corner

"No, you're leaving today, I'm leaving till Sunday sir" I said

"Kailani please, just make this easier for me kiddo" he said and that made me really mad

"Easy?! I know you did not just say that!" I said

"Kailani what's going on?" Mattia said walking to me

"Nothing, Mattia please leave" I said pushing him away slowly

"Kailani please, we need to be at the airport in an hour" my dad spoke

"What is he talking about? Is this your dad?" Mattia asked

"Yes, please go I'll explain later" I said looking at him

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