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1 Month Later

Kailani's POV

"Alejandro slow the fuck down!" I laughed "but you said you needed to go to the hospital" he looked at me scared as hell

"Ale is just a check up calm down" I smiled and he sighed

"You scared the shit out of me Lani" he looked at me

"How? I just went to your dorm and said "hey can you come with me to my check up?" And you started to freak out" I laughed a little

"Well we're here now" he smiled then we got out the car

"What do you want it to be?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulder

"A girl" I smiled looking at him

"I want it to be a boy, so then he would have to pick who's his favorite uncle out of all the boys" he chuckled

"It's gonna be kairi, I'm sorry" I said as we got in, "lies" he smiled

"Hmm I don't think so" I smiled and the doctor took us to a room.

I payed on the bed and lifted my shirt up enough, then the doctor put the jelly on my stomach

"There's you baby" she smiled "aww ma baby so small" I smiled tearing up of happiness.

"He/she is as big as a grain of rice" she said and Alejandro looked shocked "damn your baby's tiny" he chuckled

"For real" I smiled

After the whole appointment we headed to McDonald's, "what you want?" He asked "just water thank you" I said turning my phone off.

"What's wrong?" He asked after paying, "nothing I'm just tired" I sighed

"Okay" he smiled.

I looked at him and smiled, he's cared for me these past days. Always asking if I'm okay or if there's anything I need that he can help me with.

I've been hanging out with him to the point that everyone's asking if there's something going on between us.

But both him and I have said there isn't and won't be anything between us.

Mattia's POV

"Morning babe" Luna smiled pecking my lips "morning" I looked at her.

We cuddled on my bed for a while, then I got us and made breakfast for us.

"You live here alone?" She asked walking out my room wearing my shirt.

"No, my dad just went on a job trip" I said "smells good" she smiled looking at the pan.

"Can you get the plates out please?" I asked and she nodded "here" she said and I turned to look at her quickly, I could swear to you that was Kailani's voice.

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