Ms Duncan

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As soon as I locked down the hall, I turned to face the unlucky mates of the those disgusting, hideous, cannibal things. I felt a sense of guilt that crept up on me, for what was going to happen to them, but I tampered it down. After all once 'the things' mates died, so would they.

I could still remember the day of the 'ceremony', as if it was only yesterday and not 4 years ago, when not only did I lose my precious daughter and only child, but also my husband.

It was the end of autumn with a little dusting of snow covering the whole of Golden Star, with just a trickle of snow covering are small but homely house.
I was many of the lucky women that didn't get picked for the dreaded 'ceremony' and hoped that my beautiful daughter Lucy would also share the happy fate, but how wrong I was.

Time: Midnight
Place: Duncan household, 6 street, Golden Star

I sat down on the small chair by my daughters bed, with a loud thud. I couldn't move nor speak. I just looked at the bed hoping and silently praying for my daughter to come back. That this was all a horrible nightmare and that I would wake up to my daughters voice saying that she didn't get picked, that she had finally had a chance to live her life to the full. But I know that was wishful thinking, my daughter would never be coming back ever again and nor will I see her fall in love, marry and be the best mother I knew she would be.

When those few words from the paper that was read out to the many women that where gathered outside the palace entrance, with there mother's giving them reassurance as they possibly could, the words that would seal a daughters fate forever, a fate of death itself.

Advisor Daniels had one more name to read out, one more name and my daughter would be finally be free and live her life. But fate plays tricks on us all and we can never change it, even though we wish it did. Advisor Daniels cleared his throat and said "the last maiden for the ceremony, is from the household of Duncan. The name of Lucy Marie Duncan" I had to grab hold of my daughter's right hand to steady myself from the shock and heartbreaking words he had just uttered. Lucy on the other hand just smiled at me lovingly and said as she was led away to her fate "give my love to farther okay mother and please think of me" I so wanted to run to her and plead with Advisor Daniels to pick another woman, but I couldn't do that to someone else's daughter. As soon as my daughter and the rest of the women that where picked for the ceremony, where carted off and out of sight, my legs finally caved in on themselves, then I began to scream and cry as I slammed my fists into the pebble road, wishing so badly that the pain in my heart would go. Only until someone yelled my husbands name did I stop beating the ground and get up.

The sight before me, made me nearly faint. My husband was laying at the feet of one of the palace guards, with a spear through his top half. I knew before I even got to him, that he was already dead. When I got to him and held his head in my lap. I knew from that day on, I would do anything in my power to destroy those 'things', the beasts of the FireWall, even if meant my death in the process. But I don't care anymore, as long as I have my vengeance I don't care about my worthless life, after all there is nothing left for me to go back to.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when two loud knocks and a thud sounded on the hall door outside. The code that told me that the rebels had come, the true leaders of Golden Star and not those stupid, spineless, selfish royal family and Sect members. But how wrong I was.

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