Chapter 35

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On top of large hill overlooking a beautiful clear crisp lake, sat a large majestic castle. With its old battlements and cream coloured walls, you would of thought it was just your usual run of the mill, English castle with all the trimmings.

But sadly you would be dead wrong, inside the human medieval castle you would find that the inside was not at all what you would except from it. On the second floor all six that where once bedrooms,  looked like they been flattened by a bulldozer, with large brown matts covering the floor. On the walls had: large what looked like African masks lining the walls(but much scarier), green poison tipped weapons hung in perfect lines across the wall, at the back of the room had a weapon rack with training large wooden sticks with ancient runes carved into them from top to bottom these represented there past, whilst on the other side had a large green-orange fire burning in the beautiful carved fireplace of two Phoenix's on the end tips painted in black gold. This fire was no ordinary fire, it was the Ovifon or most commonly known as 'The Doorway To The Other World'.

Back down on the ground floor, held two rooms a large kitchen that took nearly half of the castle up, where Knox Al'u made the food, it was his way of escaping even though he had been in the process of opening his new restaurant(the third one of this century). Today was quite since he had been interviewing new people for his new restaurant.

The other room on the the ground floor, was The Darkling King/Creators office and own sitting area.

The room was large with oak walls and ceiling, with Persian rugs scattering over the floor, but not too much that it was untidy.
Bookcases lined one whole chunk of the back of the room, whilst a brown desk sat on the left, with a lamp still switched on. On the right side of the room held two large Victorian style chairs, with a large Greek style fireplace with a yellow fire going. Sitting in the right chair looking at a poem that he was reading with a creepy smile was 'him' The Darkling King/Creator. Gone was his meger human shell, he had long shed it off, now was the time for his darkest revenge and the true purpose of his creations.

All of a sudden he was pulled out of his thoughts when there was a loud knock on his brown door. The Darkling King put down the book where it was and said annoyed "yes, you may enter" the door opened and in stepped his very old friend and general of the his ancient army, that he had finally found and reawaken from there tomb stepped in. He bowed before him, all dressed in blood red armour with ghastly and monstrous faces in bedded into it and then raised up. To the human eye, you would of thought he was just a human in a prop costume, but the human eye is deceiving, underneath the handsome pale almost translucent face and long blond hair, lay a monster, a thing of nightmares so scary and hideous that the Darkling Kings own other creations where scared of them.

The general asked him "is that a good read my lord?" The Darkling King gave a small smile and said whilst raising an eyebrow at the book "I have found an interesting poem in this human book. It says:

I am the darkness that gives you nightmares
I am the evil that haunts the universe
I have seen the beginning and the glorious end of all things
My long lost flower has withered and gone, not yet was her time
In its place you have sown the seeds of your destruction
All I feel now is dark revenge
A dark revenge that will never end, not even when there is nothing left and all there is left is myself and my creations
For death will be my peace, my paradise, my own garden of Eden
Only then will I finally be at peace and rest my tired body, in my mother's comforting embrace.

He closed the book and asked whilst turning to his general "now general, what can I do for you?" The general looked at him confused and said "yes, my lord there is. Can you answer me this question that myself and the rest of the army have been thinking since are return and escape from that tomb?" The Darkling King, just gave a motion with his head for him to go ahead and ask so he did "I do not want to question you my Lord, but I'm sorry I have to ask this of you. If we are planning to rid mankind/human race and everything in it, why are you meeting up with Mr Young, because when the time comes we will be killing him along with everyone else won't we?" A sinister smile appeared on his face that made the general swallow hard nervously and said whilst getting up from his seat "my dear old friend, you don't have to worry about that. But since you have asked, I will tell you" he walked over to the window to see a cat stalking a bird on the pond and said whilst pointing at the scene before him "old friend look at the scene before you, the cat(predator) stalks its prey after patiently waiting for its next victim, it hides away undetected by this bird(prey) on the lake. The bird thinks that if there is any change in the wind or any presence of any sort of danger from a predator he can quickly escape since he has wings to fly away, but look now" the cat had finally pounced onto its prey at the last moment so the bird was too shocked at first to do anything, but before he could take off from the lake, the cat had its jaws around the birds head and the bird was officially dead. The Darkling King, walked away from the window and asked "now do you see why I'm doing this?" The general said still a bit unsure "I do my Lord. You wish for this human to feel comfortable with you, use his business to travel around this planet to unearth more of are brethren and then kill him when he least expects it" The Darkling King smiled and said "yes, that is exactly how it is going to come about. But I do understand that you are still weary about this plan, since I'm going to destroy everything. But please be patient old friend it will all come together in time" then he said whilst looking at the time on his watch "now I must go, you know how humans are about being on time. If you need anything else, don't hesitate about asking one of my Darkling creations" and with that he left, leaving a less confused general in his wake.

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