Chapter 58

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                                                               Half an hour later

The High Lord gave out a long sigh as he watched Liorn leave his office, in a rush with Alice in his arms asleep.

He shook his head, turned to face his desk and sat in his chair with a heavy heart. How could he tell Liorn or even his best student Jaddreirth, that he, the High Lord would bring the end of days to the human realm.

A moment of pain and anger, of losing his family to a group of scared humans with pitch forks and fire, clouding his mind, making a deal with the evil Elf, to help start the beginning of events that rip the already delicate balance of the human realm and the mythical universe to pieces.

He swallowed hard and said in a clear voice "I seek the council with the Elf of 'The Council of the Eternal Sword'" in a flash of purple smoke the Elf stood before him, his eyes meeting his and a smile that would freeze death itself. He sat on the chair opposite The High Lord and said whilst tutting "so my old friend, wishes to finally meet me. Has your position made you forget who your true friends are?" The High Lord winced and then said with as much bravery as he could "I'm no longer your errand boy nor your follower, from this day onwards I will do anything and everything in my power to destroy you" the Elf scoffed whilst getting up "well you made that perfectly clear, when you sent your men too flush out my men, my own followers" then he said whilst pointing a finger at The High Lord said "You will be forever my 'errand boy', do you know why?" The High Lord looked at him confused, at this the Elf cocked his head to the side with a creepy smile of satisfaction "oh this is priceless, you don't know that I know your dirty little secret" he let out a long hmm and asked "what would happen if not only Jaddreirth, but the four council's of the mythical world knew that the person that brought about the fall of Zanatoo and even the death of the royal family of The Golden Dragons Of Zanatoo, is none other than The High Lord of 'Watchers Of The Other World'. Oh hmm, that would be a show worth watching. I can see it now the 'Watchers Of The Other World' order crumbling away into nothing, the beings that have hidden in the dark for so long, recking havoc on the human world and mythical world together, all because of a Ganack wanting what wasn't his" the Elf groaned happily as The High Lord, fell backwards into a heap in the chair in horror. The High Lord knew the consequences of killing the royal family let alone the cause of the destruction of a whole entire race, for a lifelong revenge for his clan and also his past mistakes, but to hear them from 'him' was too much of a blow.

After awhile of silence, The High Lord looked at the Elf with pleading eyes asked "what do you want from me?" The Elf just smirked and said only "you know what I want" and then in a puff of purple smoke left The High Lord to pounder over his past stupid mistakes.

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