Chapter 32

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In the dark corner of a human pub called 'The Night Watchman' sat Falton the Eagle.

After the fall of the planet Unknown Ones and also the fall of that universe by the creator, they left that universe to come to this one.
After centuries of living in this universe and seen the fall and rise of this planets past, from the dawn of its creation to now, each day was agonisingly painful as if someone had torched the inside of his bodies and left the flame still going.

Over the centuries he had many names, too many to count, in this century he was called Liorn or Lio.

He looked into the glass that had his whiskey in, the most strongest he could find in the bar.

He had to give it these humans on this planet, for all there faults and stupid mistakes, they did have one good thing to there name (well for him anyway) was there popular drink, alcohol that could be turned into many things. It stopped the pain, not indefinitely but enough to try and live with this stupid life of being an immortal.

He scoffed aloud as he remembered, that what the human race wanted more than anything else: was to be immortal. He had seen many humans try and fail to get it, throughout his existence. But this planets humans, oh how stupid they can be, to think to be immortal is a gift in disguise, a blessing from the universe it's self.
But if they knew the true meaning of being an immortal, the soul purpose of being an immortal, was to forsake your loved ones, to live knowing one day you will see the people that you loved grow old and die before you, to live a lie knowing that the so called 'gift' is no more nor less than a curse, a curse that will never end.

He gulped down the whiskey in two gulps, not caring who was horrified or shocked, from the people that sat in the pub nor the employee's of the pub. He had gotten to the point where he didn't care anymore.
He gritted his teeth as he felt his throat feel like it was on fire, but he didn't care, it was better to have a small minute no matter how small, of numbness than another minute of maddening, crazy, unbearable pain.

Oh how he wished that his body was that of other Darkling or even a mere human, instead of an experiment. But sadly due to him being an experiment, his body burned away the alcohol quickly, not even leaving a headache for the morning.

He was pulled out of his thoughts, when the chair to his right was pulled away from the table and then David Adams voice saying "sheesh, Liorn. Of all the human pleasures to enjoy, I always find you sitting in the dark corner on your own in a bar, with a bottle of the strongest alcohol you can find and your crystal glass" Liorn asked whilst poring himself another glass "and your point being?" David Adams breathed out a long sigh and said whilst trying to catch Liorn's good eye that wasn't hidden underneath his mask "Liorn, you need to stop drinking. I'm only saying this as a friend and since you saved my ancestors from being killed by those witch hunters. This won't bring 'her' back, you know it won't. So why do you keep insisting on this?" Liorn just smiled and asked "in the wild, would you pity the hunter or the prey?" There was a long silence, realising David wasn't going to reply, he scoffed and said whilst turning the glass in his right hand "I thought so"

Liorn now realising he had finished his second bottle was about to walk over to the shocked barmen, to demand another bottle. But David, grabbed Liorn's right wrist and said in a serious tone "Liorn, there is something I need to tell you. You need to sit and listen to what I'm about to tell you" Liorn glared at David and said "I can listen, whilst drinking. Have you forgotten, I'm an experiment curtesy of The Darkling Creator. I cannot get drunk" David nodded whilst saying "yes I know, but this is really important" Liorn looked at David Andrews intrigued, 'The Watchers Of The Other World' most commonly known to humans, as witches and wizards.
They where not Darkling's where they had the shell of there chosen subject, whilst the Darkling laid inside.
They where an ancient creed of humans that mastered the magic of the universe, long ago and because of this they where either killed, sent to prison or banished, just because they where different to other humans. 'The Watchers Of The Other World' was a council of 6 and practically all the families from the beginning of there existence to now, had survived thanks to Liorn.

'The Watchers Of The Other World' soul purpose, was to try and govern the universe's natural balance of nature. Which sometimes was a struggle to say the least, they also where a secret society, with many warriors at their disposal, in a way they where what you would call a police or bounty hunter group. To stop mythical creatures and beings from ripping the delicate balance, so both human and mythical beings would never know of there existence. Which was kinda of ironic, considering Liorn and all of the Darkling race, had been hungry for the whole race of mankind to be extinct.

Liorn, now intrigued sat down back in his chair and asked "what do you want to tell me?" David looked around the nearly empty bar, as if worried he would be overheard, once he was comfortable he turned to face Liorn and said "we have heard of strange rumours going around the mythical world, that your creator is rebuilding his ancient army".
Liorn looked at David with scared wide eyes at hearing this, no Darkling was afraid of anything except for two things:
1) Losing there mate/destined one.
2) The creators ancient army.

Before the beginning of the Darkling race, before the universe's and everything in them where made. Was the Ovalin, a floating dimension, where each moment was a fight for survival. From rivers of lava to the East, the ice cold lands of the North, the wetlands of the West that held all the poisons of the universe that was said 'he' was born from. And finally the deadly sandstorms of the South that brought with it the 10 diseases. It was said that, on a dark red moon night just before the beginning of the universe's birth, the creator of the Darkling race fashioned into making his ancient army. No one knew why he made them nor why he decided to plan to destroy the new universe's and there inhabitants, maybe he felt alone and in realising that someone or something had made the universe with more than one being was crazy with jealousy. Or maybe he was that evil anyway, only 'he' would know.

The reason why Liorn was scared of the creators ancient race, was of the many experiments that was said to be killed in the most barbaric and ghastly way. He only knew this, by chance a couple of days after his birth.

No one knew who managed to imprison the creators ancient army, but one thing was sure, both the human race and Darkling would be in danger.

He swallowed hard and then asked David "how long do we have?" David shook his head sadly and said "I'm afraid, if there isn't a miracle of some sort, we won't have much time left" Liorn glared at him trying not to lose his patience asked again "how long do we have?" David turned to face him and said "unless something or someone can change his mind, we will have only the end of this week, to hope for a miracle" Liorn sighed loudly and said whilst looking away "I have heard that he will be at 'Young's, interior design' HQ tomorrow for a unknown deal. I'm his first ever experiment, hopefully I will be able to stop his plan from happening" and with that he left carry his glass in hand.

If he couldn't stop his creators plan from taking form, then this universe and everything in it would be destroyed altogether starting with mankind itself. Maybe this was there fate after destroying Liorn and all the other Darkling mates, but even though they might deserve it, the creators plan would be too harsh for any race of beings.

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