Heathers POV

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I looked at all of the interesting and weird foods that where either where hanging up or lying on smooth table tops ready to be cut by my handsome mate.
In the last few days that me and my friends had been here, we had excepted are fate and we all had gotten used to are mates.
All except Alice, she still needed time to adjust to this new life, that we had been stuck with. When I asked why needed time to adjust, she said that she is afraid that it will all be taken from her again, when she has only got used to it. Which I understand completely, since myself, Heather, Olive and Susan met Alice, she was a shy girl with no parents and got moved from one family to the other. Scared of being too attached, she had avoided us, until we told her that we wouldn't be going anywhere and that we where going to stick with each other for life. After that she had opened up and became a new person altogether. But when it came to men well, that was a completely different story.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my mate Knox Al'u voice behind ask lovingly "what brings you to my domain, my beautiful mate?" I turned and blushed bright red as I looked up at him, he had: long red hair, with little bits of pure silver in it, this was due to the fact that he had spent a very long time over the FireWall on the last bit of self control left. Emerald like eyes, like the rest of the shifters body's that held a Darkling, they didn't have what humans eyes have, such as a pupil or iris.
It was like someone had removed the human eye and put an emerald in its place instead. He had a bronze muscular body with small burns and he only wore brown crisscrossed trousers and no shoes.

I gave him a small smile and said "I know that you will probably won't need me. But I was wondering if I could help you cook, you see I'm a cook in my home world and I can t...." he put up his right hand, to interrupt me and said "I will be honoured for your help. But first I will show you the food that has been brought in, so you can get used to the ingredients that we have around here and also over the FireWall" with that he walked over to me, where what looked like a leg of what looked like between a lamb and a beef, that lay behind me.
He gave me another lovingly look, as if he couldn't believe I was here with him and then picked the leg of meat and carried it to the large, golden casserole dish that was currently on a silver stove he said whilst putting it in the dish "this leg of meat you see before you is a Monoo, the only description I can give you, is that it's between deer and a cow" my eyes widened as the water in the dish looked like it was glazing the Manoo on it's own, I could see it turning on its own and turning the meat glossy. Knox Al'u laughed at the expression on my face and said "I suppose to a human, it seems very odd and strange. But to us, it is how we have always cooked are food. You see, myself and other shifters have to cook are meat in the sacred waters of the Ovon Sea, before consuming it. Whilst the Darkling that lives in all shifters eats the meat raw" my chef head turned on, intrigued I asked "where do you get the Monoo from? Where is the Ovon Sea? Do you bless the meat first before consuming it and can you teach me how to make it please?"

He looked at me shocked and asked confused "you really want to know more about my race?" I asked whilst looking at him confused "well of course I do, why would you think otherwise?" He said whilst picking up a small onion "well you see, no human has ever been intrigued about are race. They are either scared or think of us as disgusting and barbaric monsters. Only fit to be that of nightmares. I'm very pleased that you are interested in my race, my beautiful mate" he cut up the onion and added it to the pot. He then turned to face me and said "to answer your questions my love. The Monoo are animals of the Sactor region, near the Ovon Sea. They mostly feed on what you call 'purple apricot', so it gives a more sweeter taste to the meat and they also drink from the Ovon Sea so it also gives the meat a more crisp, clean flavour.
Both the Monoo and the Ovon Sea, are over the wall. That is where practically all are meat is from, except the onions and other vegetables that are grown in the human kingdom.
We have to fallow three important rules, when going over the FireWall:
1)Only go if there is no other option.
2)Only bring back the food that was granted and nothing else.
3)Make sure you are not followed, if you have too be very careful coming back because we don't want anything from 'that place' coming over and certainly not any of the 'mad ones'.
Once we kill are prey, we have a 'blessing of the spirit' ceremony. Which is vital in are way of life. We give thanks to the animal for sacrificing there life, so we may eat and in return we let the spirit leave the animal hosts body and began a new one. Life, death and rebirth, are sacred to us. Even though we cannot die, doesn't mean we cannot give thanks to something that has given its life for us" something was nagging at my brain,  that he was not telling me something important, that his talk shouldn't stop there, but I ignored it, I didn't want to push him too far.
He then walked over to the only window in the kitchen, where purple and red herbs where growing in the window box and then said "first I will show and teach you about the last remaining ingredients that are needed for the pot. You have my word, after I show you the last remaining ingredients for the meal, I will teach you how to make this dish" I smiled and him gratefully and said "thank you, I do really appreciate you teaching me" he just smiled at me, then cut a couple of heads off the red and purple herbs. He turned to face me and opened his palm for me to see the herbs lying in his palm. He said seriously "the purple herb, you see before you is a mixture of golden garlic and rosemary, found on the slopes of Mt Gunta. They may sound harmless, but used wrongly it could lead to a 'Blood Poison', where your blood will fester and begin to eat from the inside out. But used correctly, it will add a beautiful herby smell, that goes perfectly well with the dish.
Whilst the red herb is perfectly harmless, the worst it can do is give you a very bad tummy ache if eaten raw. The only way I can describe the red herb, is that it is a mixture of salt from the Lanoc spring, that resides near the bottom of Mt Gunta and the other half is that of the 'Flame Fruit' which in human talk is basically a very spicy apple, which lives around the Lanoc spring" and with that we began to prepare the meal for tonight, together.

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